Tuesday, October 8, 2024


We went to the parade night.  That's normal for us.  Then we went back Friday night and took the rides and experienced the fair part of life.  Zoey went with us and the kids had the time of their lives.  I was chaperoning but was reminded that I am no teenager and the music and fast rides and bright lights and by the end the night, I was so ready to get back home to peace and quiet. 

But the night was a fun time while it lasted.  Take a look at what we did.

Ticket wrist bands first ...


Austin was the driver of our bumper car.  I thought that this was one ride I could tolerate and even this ride was a lot of bumping and jerking.  I made it through!

They ate fries and chicken fingers and topped it off with snow cones for dessert.

The rides were crazy!  Fast, high in the sky and they screamed on every single ride.

He payed $10 of his own money to try to win a jersey.  He thought this looked easy but I hope he learned a lesson to not spend your money on wishes.  Good try dude.

We carried around an umbrella and did actually use it for a small bit.

This fast ride that ripped you around and around in a big circle was a thriller.  I thought they would lose their voices after this one.

This ride they did on repeat.  The Zipper was not for me!!!!!  No, no!  To flip and twirl and flip some more would make me sick.  Austin and I stood back and watched the drama.

But of course, the girls loved it!

Someone came up to Austin and asked if he wants the fish they won.  Of course he took it and now we are feeding a fish and guess who held it while they all took rides!

Cash flows out like water on a night like this but this was our first time doing this and we made some really fun memories!

Friday, October 4, 2024

October is here. Already.

Yep, we flipped another page on the calendar and it now says October!  This is the month of much color, fall festivities, pumpkin and apple smells and flavors and it's gonna be a great month celebrating fall! 

I am finally in the New Testament and the moment those red letters hit the Bible pages, it becomes SO life giving!  Hearing and reading of the birth of Jesus and his healings is wonderful after reading through so much law and temple and tabernacle verses since the beginning of the year!

So much is happening in this world right now!  If you would turn on the news today you would hear about the upcoming election of Trump VS Harris.  You would see how the towns that we love so much in Sarasota, Florida are flooded by Hurricane Helen.  Just one month ago, Mommy D's home in Florida was flooded from another tropical storm that went through Sarasota.  Here is St. Armonds Key that we have walked many, many times and it's all flooded out.  The news would also tell you of the hard hit areas in North Carolina, Ashville, places in Tennessee!  Many people are out of power, out of food and water and people that are still missing and being rescued yet today!!!!  It's all unbelievable and so, so sad!!!!!

But, we know and believe that God is still good and He does have a good plan in all this devastating news!

My family gathered down at Dad's the other night to help cut wood.  This is not from a storm but Dad had loggers come in a cut down the unhealthy trees.  It looks terrible and needs a lot of cleaning up but we are safe and sound in warm homes and running water and more food than we could ever eat in one day!

October is parade month!  Lapps Structures put a float together because Ashlyn asked for it!  Ashlyn, Meg and Mel rode on the back and threw out candy as they went down the streets.  We watched and cheered as they drove past!

So much sugar is at the fair grounds!

It's also time to restock our grape juice at home!  I buy the already pressed juice and it's delicious !

The garden is winding down and this is the last big produce haul for this fall.

Give me all the soups and squash dishes!!!!!

We got a pig from Keith that he raised from piglet to adult hog and the freezer is full of fresh pork!

Hearing all the news about the hurricane victims makes me extra thankful for this blessing!

October has me moving all the summer colors back and moving the warm browns and oranges at grabs length!  I also love this apple candle from our hometown Candle Barn!

I'm also back to doing a Bible study at church and the first fireplace moments are great!

Ashlyn wrapped up her year playing on Empowered!  It's a girls softball league and she was one of the pitchers and did well and really enjoyed it!  They went all season without winning one game but they hung in till the very end!  Good job girls!!!!

Softball is finished but volleyball is hot and heavy at school!

It's only October 4 today and much has happened already this month!  We are loving the autumn weather and were very happy to see the sun shine again after a wet weekend!

I love autumn!!!!