Wow! It's been a bit since I posted on here but that's not because we've been boring or nothing fun is happening! Lots have been happening actually! Take a look!
We are excited for February to end and let March begin!!!! That means Spring will be arriving soon!
Matthew and Daisy are almost daily working over at their house! They painted everything! Tore out the cabinets and my brother is sanding and refinishing them! New tile was put in the bathroom! New vanity! New flooring throughout! New lighting. It's really taking a lot of work and we help where we can! It's going to be such a beautiful home! I'm very proud of how Matthew and Daisy have worked together and made lots of decisions about the house already. Good job!
Austin spent the afternoon at Wyatt's house ripping around on four wheelers in the mud. What could make a young boy more happy????
I took a stroll through each of the kids rooms and I got teared up. Austin's got a fish still alive from the fall fair. His room is full of sports, baseball cards, trophies and eye black! All boy things! Matthew's got some money on his night stand along with a note from Daisy and books and tools and it won't be too long before we will packing up these things and moving it to his new home. Time goes by so fast and some days I want to freeze the kids in each stage they are in!
Ashlyn's room is full of lotions, sprays, clothes strewn about, makeup and earrings. Her room is not tidy and that is not the way I groove but I have learned to let it go. When it's cleaning day, she cleans it up. When it's not, she lives with the clutter. It's fun to watch each stage be lived out full!
Austin does a good job at making his bed when I remind him before heading off to school. Ashlyn never makes her bed. One day she will!!!!
I got my seeds catalog through the mail and Matthew was sent a Berlin Seed catalog that I claimed! I can't wait for seeds and gardening again!
I did make a stop to look at some seeds at Royers and the place was packed!!!! It was March 1 and everyone seemed to be excited about Spring! I was told that it was their open house and so I decided to grab the seeds I'm wanting to plant when the weather warms up!
Another visit with Mommy D. had us both smiling. Conversations are tough with her because she can't hear well and her thoughts go all over the place. You mention the weather and then she makes a comment about something completely different. You just never know what you will talk about but it's the smile on her face that I love to see!
Over the years, I have blogged and printed out each year. I added Instagram books now too and it's become quite the collection over the years!!!! We love to look through these books!!!!
The company I usually went with each new year to print out the blog or Instagram changed. This year I ordered from another company and the books came in three different books filled with lots of bigger photos! We have looked and looked at these already so much!
The first of robins have arrived.
Austin finished up his Upward Basketball season and we were all there to cheer for him! He learned a lot with his coach really pushing the boys to a higher level of playing!!!! It took some work and energy but Austin really liked his games and basketball season!
Thanks coaches for your dedication and work for these boys!
More renovations at Matthews house!
And we had the first hot dog roast for the season while Matt and Lenas children were here for a few days. Matt's went on an anniversary trip and their kids stayed here. The air is still chilly but the sun is shining and we can tell that Spring is trying to arrive!
Spring clean up includes raking up pinecones and twigs. I dumped out the winter greens from the porch pots and filled them with pansies!
It feels so good to have the children play outside again! While Zayla was here for a few days, I got to comb her hair and it's too cute!!!!

Lancaster Bible College had us coming back to cheer for the Warriors in the league championship game!
Having some fresh bright flowers in the kitchen adds joy!
And this new magazine has me dreaming of Spring!
Chalk on the driveway means the children have been busy playing outside and I love that! One more day with the Stoltzfus kids with us and it's going well!
Matt and Lena's flight got canceled and so the boys went along to the Giant Center to cheer for the boys and girls game! Matt's hope to be home later today!
Boys lost a tough game but the girls won!!!! I'm so proud of them all!!!!
We took the kids to the theaters to watch Mufasa. The Lion King is one of our top favorite movies ever!
It's feeling like Spring inside and outside the home!!!
Book reports and the first fast pitch tennis game with the cousins have us having some fun!
And we've been so blessed all winter to have a minimal of sickness in our home! We had a few germs but nothing too bad! Many people have been sick a lot and I caught a bug that had me blowing my nose constantly for a few days. Then a cough. No fever. No headaches or achy from this but my head was terrible and there's nothing that tastes better than some warm milk and toast with salt on top when I'm not feeling well! This always reminds me of Daudy D!!!! He loved this for breakfast! I miss my grandfather I really want to feel well soon!
The sunrises are so pretty lately! I see the tiny buds on the trees! I see God saying good morning! I see winter slowly leaving us and spring coming! I can't wait!
I'm just doing what I'm told with these Ranunculus corms. I never planted these before but I grabbed a bag at Royers the other day and they are going in the garden!
The first seeds are planted!!!!!
And I love to watch the kids play outside once again!
Basketball is over and we think about all things baseball now!!!! This nine year old son or ours is SO EXCITED to start a new season!!!!
And Zayla was my buddy while Lena went to market. We cleaned out Mike's truck for him and we can't wait for him to come back home after a full week of golf in the south!!!!
And then there's these two. Twin day! 🤣
The more wins, the more games they play!!!!! This was such an exciting game to be at! I picked Mike up at the airport after his golf outing and we drove straight to the basketball game!!!! Life is full. Life is so fun!!!!
The boys won! The girls won! They are both in STATES level and as long as they win, they keep playing to the next level!!!!
Watching all the coaches doing their jobs is so fun!
And we've been having such a lovely March! The park is so nice for my morning walks!
St. Patrick's Day was celebrated by listening to Irish music, making a chocolate cake and adding some 10X sugar on top to make a clover design and reading the story about Patrick and his missionary life! This is a really great story that many don't even know about!
Go read it!
Lettuce and onions are in the ground!
Every day, Austin is swinging his bats!!!! He must have hit a 100 balls upstairs in the net we have set up! As soon as Mike gets home from work, they go outback and Mike pitches Austin a bunch of balls! It's the most precious thing to watch Mike do this with the boys! Austin doesn't know how lucky he is to have a dad that loves to spend time with him!!!!!
After they hit a bunch of balls, they sat and chatted! What a good dad!!!!
AND IT'S SPRING!!!! March 20 is here! The sun is shining! The park views are gorgeous for my walks! It's to get up to 70 degrees today which is crazy for March but today it's now windy and chilly! We are excited for more warmth! More sunny days!!!! More time spent outside! More days in the garden! More time together as a family!
Good bye Winter! Hello Spring!!!!!