What a last couple of days!!! Sometimes too busy!
Auctions are where you would have found us the past two nights. Good auctions. I like them! On Monday, we helped with an auction to raise some funds for medical needs for a friend. It involved lots of food and then an auction in the evening. It was fun to be with friends that we don't get to see real often! We bought a ticket for some girls to help mulch! This is going to be interesting and fun!
Last night, we had another auction. This one was to raise funds for our church missions fund. More wonderful food and lots of chatter and fun! I came home last night exhausted. The kids were dirty. Ashlyn was so tired and ready for her bed! As I tucked everyone under their covers, I said a prayer of thankfulness. I love my family and even on busy evenings, I am grateful for each one of them!
Today. It's chilly and overcast. The weather is saying warmer and sunny by late afternoon.?. I am enjoying my day here at home.
This week is Ashlyn's first birthday. I kept thinking the past few days of how it was a year ago. I was so pregnant! Counting down the days before meeting our baby! Anticipation about the upcoming c-section. So ready to hold and cuddle with baby boy or girl?
Now, here it is already. One year later!
I received this email and I love some of the quotes! It reads: "Congratulations! It's your baby's birthday, and as the mama of your baby, it's yours too. Twelve months ago you and your little bundle were strangers - now you're inseparable. Sweet!
In the past year you've changed at least 3,000 diapers, lost about 350 hours of sleep and wondered whether to call the doc 9 times, wondered how you lived without your bundle almost every day and wished you had five minutes to yourself almost as often."
So true! I many times try to think back before Ashlyn entered our lives. It's strange. I can't remember how it used to be! It always seems like she's been with us! I would so never want life without her! We love her so much and she's pure joy in our family!
I am still trying to come up with some photo ideas. She at such a cute stage in her life and to document it through pictures is my dream! Hopefully, I will get this accomplished next week!
But, for today, here she is. Our sweet princess! Almost one year old!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Unseasonably Warm!!!
It's been unseasonably warm this past week ... but that's OK. We have enjoyed every bit of it!
The kids had no school on Friday because of a teacher's in service day. That was great because it was the warmest day of the week ... reaching almost 80 degree's! Crazy for March here! Matthew was up bright and early. I asked him why he didn't sleep in if he didn't have school? He wasn't sure?! After he ate cereal, I seen him go back into his room. I peeked in a little while later and asked what he was doing? Then I saw him in his bed, covers up to his chin, and snoring. He was totally sacked out! I guess he figured he wanted to sleep in after all! He slept till 10:30 AM! Oh, how those days are over for this mom! Mike had to chuckle when I texted him about this. He claims I like to sleep and could pretty much all the time if my life would allow it that way. Honestly, I do like my sleep but even if I had an option to sleep till 10:30 in the morning, I was choose not to! I think that's a good thing???
My twin nieces came in the morning and Hadassah and Ashlyn liked that! More playmates! Then Mike's mom came and we edged around the whole house! It was so warm and beautiful outside! Working was a delight! Thanks mom for the hard work! It looks great!
I still have plenty of weeds to pull out back, but around the house is ready for some mulch. That will wait just a bit yet! I mowed the lawn again too and it's looking really nice and green!
Speaking of our lawn, the boys have been playing baseball every night possible! Mike pitches over hand to Matthew and he swings hard and watches it fly in the air! They use the wheel barrel for their back stop. It's great time together!
Hadassah and Matthew are also doing a lot of rollerblading. They are sharing Mike's big pair because they like his the best! It's such a blast to see them play in the warm outdoors and see all their creativity! The sidewalk chalk has been used to make roads and houses! The bikes are being ridden! The sport balls and gloves are left laying in the yard at times! The swings are back into motion! When Matthew went for a haircut, the hairdresser asked if he had had Rita's Italian Ice? Yepper! That sweet ice stain on his upper lip was a dead give away! My runs are going great! My farthest was 3.5 miles!!! Mike's got his golf clubs swinging. Even though his score was not his best, he enjoyed his game! It's all called SPRING!!! Oh, I love the Spring weather!
Ashlyn loves it outside too and because of it being so warm, she got to enjoy it too! Hadassah gave her a couple scooter rides and trike rides already! She enjoyed the wheel barrel ride from daddy the other night too!
We even got to have our first family smore roast last Friday evening! Spring is here and we are loving it!
The kids had no school on Friday because of a teacher's in service day. That was great because it was the warmest day of the week ... reaching almost 80 degree's! Crazy for March here! Matthew was up bright and early. I asked him why he didn't sleep in if he didn't have school? He wasn't sure?! After he ate cereal, I seen him go back into his room. I peeked in a little while later and asked what he was doing? Then I saw him in his bed, covers up to his chin, and snoring. He was totally sacked out! I guess he figured he wanted to sleep in after all! He slept till 10:30 AM! Oh, how those days are over for this mom! Mike had to chuckle when I texted him about this. He claims I like to sleep and could pretty much all the time if my life would allow it that way. Honestly, I do like my sleep but even if I had an option to sleep till 10:30 in the morning, I was choose not to! I think that's a good thing???
My twin nieces came in the morning and Hadassah and Ashlyn liked that! More playmates! Then Mike's mom came and we edged around the whole house! It was so warm and beautiful outside! Working was a delight! Thanks mom for the hard work! It looks great!
I still have plenty of weeds to pull out back, but around the house is ready for some mulch. That will wait just a bit yet! I mowed the lawn again too and it's looking really nice and green!
Speaking of our lawn, the boys have been playing baseball every night possible! Mike pitches over hand to Matthew and he swings hard and watches it fly in the air! They use the wheel barrel for their back stop. It's great time together!
Ashlyn loves it outside too and because of it being so warm, she got to enjoy it too! Hadassah gave her a couple scooter rides and trike rides already! She enjoyed the wheel barrel ride from daddy the other night too!
We even got to have our first family smore roast last Friday evening! Spring is here and we are loving it!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Can you imagine? (Part 1)
In our Bible Study lesson, we are studying scene by scene the crucifixion of Jesus. It is so good for me to study this right around the upcoming Easter season! Putting my focus on all that Jesus went through ... beatings, mocking, whippings, trials, and so much more makes me realize how much He loves me. He went through all that for me. Me. The whole world! For all sinners!
I wish I could copy and paste all the great insight that Beth Moore gives in our homework lessons about the journey Jesus had to take before getting to the cross. I am going to try to write some of my feelings and thoughts, so if you want, join my journey of thoughts.
Can you imagine? Imagine the walk that Jesus took the 24 hours before his death. He had just shared his "last supper" with his beloved disciples and shared "his body and blood" with them.
In Luke 22, you can read the start of the death story of Jesus. Judas was hanging out with the chief priests and teachers of the law. He was even the one that came up with the plan to show them where and who Jesus was. Why? Why would he do that to Jesus? For money? Because his sights were based on earthly riches and not heavenly? For wasn't he with Jesus when He performed all His miracles and wasn't he listening to all the knowledge Jesus was teaching about? Why are we humans like that? The things that seem so obvious sometimes are blind to us. It seems to me that Judas should have known that this was not the "right plan" or the "right thing to do". Without a doubt the chief priests were happy for his plan and help! For they were sick of Jesus being the talk of town. All the people seemed to flock to hear His words and they even threw a parade right through town for Him! They knew that if something wasn't done soon, this Jesus would steal the hearts of all the towns people and they would be out of a job (or reputation)!
There are a few verses that give us some info about Judas. In John 12:1-6, it shows that Judas was more concerned about the money than for the poor. I know that Judas had to be part of "the crucifixion story" but how sad was his outcome when he did realize his fate!
Peter, too did mess up. He was just a few days before this saying "then wash my whole body and not just my feet" and "I will go with you even if it means dying" and "I will protect you". Jesus didn't need anything Peter had to offer other than his heart! Jesus wanted Peter's heart!
At the last supper with His disciples, when Jesus said that one of them would betray them, they didn't know who that would be. Jesus never showed hatred or ill feelings towards Judas even when He knew who it would be.
Jesus went to the Garden to pray. He took his disciples with him and asked them to pray too that they "might not enter into temptation". As Jesus knelt to pray, he asked God three times to "remove this cup from me". When he went back to the disciples, they were sleeping. Oh, just so human!!! If only they would have realized how important these last few hours for Jesus were! Why is it so hard for me sometimes to realize the need to pray? It was then that a whole group of people came with swords and sticks! Judas was in the crowd and he kissed Jesus. He betrayed Jesus. Then when the other disciples seen what was about to happen, Peter grabbed a sword and cut off a soldiers right ear! Yep, Peter went into the "protection mode" and he was out to defend his Lord! Jesus didn't need any help or defense. He just nicely touched his ear and healed him.
OK, stop right here. He did what? Jesus just put back on an ear that was cut off! Wouldn't that be a huge sign for those soldiers or were they so used to Jesus "fixing things" that they paid no attention?
They took Jesus and headed straight for the high priest's house. I wish the Bible would give more details about Malchus. He was the man that had his ear cut off. Do you think he went with the other soldiers and took Jesus to be tried or do you think his miracle was enough to soften his heart and go home?
As the soldiers lead Jesus, Peter followed but was far behind. Funny, all of a sudden, he's not "in the crowd" but now became just a follower from afar off. Was he scared? Was he wondering why Jesus didn't like his protection?
They took Jesus to Annas. He was the high priest of that year. Annas then sent Jesus to Caiaphas. That's where we will find Peter by a fire burning. I am sure that the chill of the night air made the warmeth of the fire feel good. There was also a maid that came up to the fire and noticed Peter and said that he was one that was with Jesus. Here's the man that was willing to kill for Jesus, and just literally moments later, he didn't want to be called a follower of Jesus! Then a while later, someone else noticed Peter and asked if he was with Jesus. A third person noticed Peter and was sure by his talk that he was with Jesus. All three times, Peter said, "I do not know this Jesus." He had just denied Jesus three times. Isn't it ironic that before Jesus asked Peter three times how much he loves Him?
The cock crew. "And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crew, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Peter went out, and wept bitterly." Peter realized what he had just done. He really just denied his Lord. He thought he was strong enough to face temptations. Especially, denial. Peter was so sorry and sad that he cried and cried. He might have even ripped his clothes or kicked the stones on the ground.
Back to Jesus, he was now being mocked and hit! They blind folded Jesus and after they hit Him, they wanted Him to say who it was. He knew. He knew exactly who it was even if He didn't actually see the person. They blasphemed Jesus all night long.
As the morning sun rose that next morning, the leaders all came together and led Jesus into their council. I can't imagine how tired and exhausted Jesus must have been. No sleep and bet all night long. They asked Him if He was Christ? Jesus answered, "If I tell you, ye will not believe: And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, not let me go. Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God." Jesus always answered with wisdom. Humanly, I would probably have shouted back in their faces and said, "Yes. I am who I am. God's son! Christ!!!" But he didn't. What was the point driving home the point if they wouldn't listen or have a change of heart anyway? Then they asked Him if He is the Son of God? Again, Jesus replied, "Ye say that I am." That made them mad! They thought that was proof enough!
They took Jesus to Pilate. They began telling Pilate all the things they heard Jesus proclaim. Pilate didn't seem to want to hear what they had to say but what Jesus would say. He asked Jesus if he did proclaim to be the King of the Jews? "Thou sayest it," Jesus said back. Pilate looked at the leaders and said, "I don't find a thing wrong with this man." The leaders didn't respond good to that. They got even madder now! They said that He stirs up the people. He teaches to the Jews from Galilee to here! That's when Pilate realized that Jesus was a Galilean and so he sent Him to Herod.
When Herod saw Jesus he was so happy! He had heard a lot of this Jesus and he wanted to see Jesus do a miracle. Mockery. When Herod started to ask Jesus a bunch of questions, Jesus was quite. He said nothing. This made the leaders again so mad! It made Herod mad too. Herod and his men mocked Him. They put a gorgeous robe on Jesus and made fun! Then they sent Him back to Pilate.
Was this some kind of joke? This sounds like no one really wanted to deal with Jesus. No one but the religious leaders. They kept pushing Jesus from one person to the next. Each time Jesus got mocked at. Laughed at. Hit. Beat.
They took Jesus back to Pilate after Herod had his fun with mean words and mockery. Pilate got all the desperate leaders together and said, "Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that pervereth the people: and, behold, I, having examined Him before you, have found no fault in this Man touching those things whereof ye accuse Him. No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto Him. I will therefore chastise him, and release him."
These religious leaders were so not cool with just a severe beating! What was their problem? Were they so hard hearted and furious with Jesus, that the only thing they wanted with for Him was to die? They knew that they needed to prove to Pilate that Jesus should die. In Mark 15, it says that Pilate asked them, "Will ye that I release unto you The King of the Jews?" He knew they were there because of envy. Pilate was also warned by a note from his wife. She told Pilate to have nothing to do with this man because she had a dream and is very troubled!
Finally, Pilate said to do with Jesus what the crowd wants to do with Him. The soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on His head. They put a purple robe on him. They mocked Him and said, "Hail, King of the Jews!" They hit Him with their hands.
Jesus was brought forth before the crowd wearing the thorns and robe. When they saw him, they cried out "Crucify Him!" Pilate told the chief priest and officers to take Jesus and crucify Him themselves. The Jews said back, "We have a law, and by our law He ought to die, because He made himself the Son of God." When Pilate heard them say that, he was even more afraid. He went away to the judgement hall and again said to Jesus, "Where do you come from?" No answer. Then he asked, "Why don't you answer me? Don't you know that I have power to either crucify you or release you?" Then Jesus answered and said, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin." Pilate sought to release Jesus after he heard this, but the Jews kept crying out, "If you let Him go, you are not Ceasar's friend. Whoever makes himself a king speaketh against Ceasar."
So, Pilate set Barabbas free and gave Jesus over to be crucified.
Are you imagining this whole story with me? If you are so involved and need to know now the rest of the story, go to Luke 23:26 and read! Read it all!
More to come later ...
I wish I could copy and paste all the great insight that Beth Moore gives in our homework lessons about the journey Jesus had to take before getting to the cross. I am going to try to write some of my feelings and thoughts, so if you want, join my journey of thoughts.
Can you imagine? Imagine the walk that Jesus took the 24 hours before his death. He had just shared his "last supper" with his beloved disciples and shared "his body and blood" with them.
In Luke 22, you can read the start of the death story of Jesus. Judas was hanging out with the chief priests and teachers of the law. He was even the one that came up with the plan to show them where and who Jesus was. Why? Why would he do that to Jesus? For money? Because his sights were based on earthly riches and not heavenly? For wasn't he with Jesus when He performed all His miracles and wasn't he listening to all the knowledge Jesus was teaching about? Why are we humans like that? The things that seem so obvious sometimes are blind to us. It seems to me that Judas should have known that this was not the "right plan" or the "right thing to do". Without a doubt the chief priests were happy for his plan and help! For they were sick of Jesus being the talk of town. All the people seemed to flock to hear His words and they even threw a parade right through town for Him! They knew that if something wasn't done soon, this Jesus would steal the hearts of all the towns people and they would be out of a job (or reputation)!
There are a few verses that give us some info about Judas. In John 12:1-6, it shows that Judas was more concerned about the money than for the poor. I know that Judas had to be part of "the crucifixion story" but how sad was his outcome when he did realize his fate!
Peter, too did mess up. He was just a few days before this saying "then wash my whole body and not just my feet" and "I will go with you even if it means dying" and "I will protect you". Jesus didn't need anything Peter had to offer other than his heart! Jesus wanted Peter's heart!
At the last supper with His disciples, when Jesus said that one of them would betray them, they didn't know who that would be. Jesus never showed hatred or ill feelings towards Judas even when He knew who it would be.
Jesus went to the Garden to pray. He took his disciples with him and asked them to pray too that they "might not enter into temptation". As Jesus knelt to pray, he asked God three times to "remove this cup from me". When he went back to the disciples, they were sleeping. Oh, just so human!!! If only they would have realized how important these last few hours for Jesus were! Why is it so hard for me sometimes to realize the need to pray? It was then that a whole group of people came with swords and sticks! Judas was in the crowd and he kissed Jesus. He betrayed Jesus. Then when the other disciples seen what was about to happen, Peter grabbed a sword and cut off a soldiers right ear! Yep, Peter went into the "protection mode" and he was out to defend his Lord! Jesus didn't need any help or defense. He just nicely touched his ear and healed him.
OK, stop right here. He did what? Jesus just put back on an ear that was cut off! Wouldn't that be a huge sign for those soldiers or were they so used to Jesus "fixing things" that they paid no attention?
They took Jesus and headed straight for the high priest's house. I wish the Bible would give more details about Malchus. He was the man that had his ear cut off. Do you think he went with the other soldiers and took Jesus to be tried or do you think his miracle was enough to soften his heart and go home?
As the soldiers lead Jesus, Peter followed but was far behind. Funny, all of a sudden, he's not "in the crowd" but now became just a follower from afar off. Was he scared? Was he wondering why Jesus didn't like his protection?
They took Jesus to Annas. He was the high priest of that year. Annas then sent Jesus to Caiaphas. That's where we will find Peter by a fire burning. I am sure that the chill of the night air made the warmeth of the fire feel good. There was also a maid that came up to the fire and noticed Peter and said that he was one that was with Jesus. Here's the man that was willing to kill for Jesus, and just literally moments later, he didn't want to be called a follower of Jesus! Then a while later, someone else noticed Peter and asked if he was with Jesus. A third person noticed Peter and was sure by his talk that he was with Jesus. All three times, Peter said, "I do not know this Jesus." He had just denied Jesus three times. Isn't it ironic that before Jesus asked Peter three times how much he loves Him?
The cock crew. "And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crew, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Peter went out, and wept bitterly." Peter realized what he had just done. He really just denied his Lord. He thought he was strong enough to face temptations. Especially, denial. Peter was so sorry and sad that he cried and cried. He might have even ripped his clothes or kicked the stones on the ground.
Back to Jesus, he was now being mocked and hit! They blind folded Jesus and after they hit Him, they wanted Him to say who it was. He knew. He knew exactly who it was even if He didn't actually see the person. They blasphemed Jesus all night long.
As the morning sun rose that next morning, the leaders all came together and led Jesus into their council. I can't imagine how tired and exhausted Jesus must have been. No sleep and bet all night long. They asked Him if He was Christ? Jesus answered, "If I tell you, ye will not believe: And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, not let me go. Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God." Jesus always answered with wisdom. Humanly, I would probably have shouted back in their faces and said, "Yes. I am who I am. God's son! Christ!!!" But he didn't. What was the point driving home the point if they wouldn't listen or have a change of heart anyway? Then they asked Him if He is the Son of God? Again, Jesus replied, "Ye say that I am." That made them mad! They thought that was proof enough!
They took Jesus to Pilate. They began telling Pilate all the things they heard Jesus proclaim. Pilate didn't seem to want to hear what they had to say but what Jesus would say. He asked Jesus if he did proclaim to be the King of the Jews? "Thou sayest it," Jesus said back. Pilate looked at the leaders and said, "I don't find a thing wrong with this man." The leaders didn't respond good to that. They got even madder now! They said that He stirs up the people. He teaches to the Jews from Galilee to here! That's when Pilate realized that Jesus was a Galilean and so he sent Him to Herod.
When Herod saw Jesus he was so happy! He had heard a lot of this Jesus and he wanted to see Jesus do a miracle. Mockery. When Herod started to ask Jesus a bunch of questions, Jesus was quite. He said nothing. This made the leaders again so mad! It made Herod mad too. Herod and his men mocked Him. They put a gorgeous robe on Jesus and made fun! Then they sent Him back to Pilate.
Was this some kind of joke? This sounds like no one really wanted to deal with Jesus. No one but the religious leaders. They kept pushing Jesus from one person to the next. Each time Jesus got mocked at. Laughed at. Hit. Beat.
They took Jesus back to Pilate after Herod had his fun with mean words and mockery. Pilate got all the desperate leaders together and said, "Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that pervereth the people: and, behold, I, having examined Him before you, have found no fault in this Man touching those things whereof ye accuse Him. No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto Him. I will therefore chastise him, and release him."
These religious leaders were so not cool with just a severe beating! What was their problem? Were they so hard hearted and furious with Jesus, that the only thing they wanted with for Him was to die? They knew that they needed to prove to Pilate that Jesus should die. In Mark 15, it says that Pilate asked them, "Will ye that I release unto you The King of the Jews?" He knew they were there because of envy. Pilate was also warned by a note from his wife. She told Pilate to have nothing to do with this man because she had a dream and is very troubled!
Finally, Pilate said to do with Jesus what the crowd wants to do with Him. The soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on His head. They put a purple robe on him. They mocked Him and said, "Hail, King of the Jews!" They hit Him with their hands.
Jesus was brought forth before the crowd wearing the thorns and robe. When they saw him, they cried out "Crucify Him!" Pilate told the chief priest and officers to take Jesus and crucify Him themselves. The Jews said back, "We have a law, and by our law He ought to die, because He made himself the Son of God." When Pilate heard them say that, he was even more afraid. He went away to the judgement hall and again said to Jesus, "Where do you come from?" No answer. Then he asked, "Why don't you answer me? Don't you know that I have power to either crucify you or release you?" Then Jesus answered and said, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin." Pilate sought to release Jesus after he heard this, but the Jews kept crying out, "If you let Him go, you are not Ceasar's friend. Whoever makes himself a king speaketh against Ceasar."
So, Pilate set Barabbas free and gave Jesus over to be crucified.
Are you imagining this whole story with me? If you are so involved and need to know now the rest of the story, go to Luke 23:26 and read! Read it all!
More to come later ...
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Blooms??? All these are blooming around our house. All, but the first picture, are weeds! Yep, weeds. I don't like weeds, actually hate them, but for some reason the color of these struck me. I love when the brown, winter ground starts changing into green and other pretty colors. So, even if they are weeds, they seem pretty for now!
Our weekend was so fun!!! Mike's parents came over Friday night for some "good old" settlers games! We love playing this with them! Too bad I didn't win any out of the three games we played ... next time!!!
Then on Saturday, the weather was so perfect. Hadassah and Matthew played barefoot all afternoon. They made the tree house on top of the swing set into their playing grounds! It was so nice to see them play and be kids! They shared chocolate lollipops, they drank soda, they made these nasty looking ice cream floats loaded with mini chocolate chips ... defiantly a sugar high of an afternoon! They ran their energy off with playing some soccer, riding bike, and scootering!
Baby loves it outside too!
My mower buddy! Here she doesn't look impressed, but she did enjoy it!
Mike was at one of his shed lots and they were really busy there too! So blessed for that!
I was doing my normal Saturday chores. Sweeping out the van and giving it a scrub down inside and out. Made some food for my upcoming crop! I even mowed the lawn! It looks nice without those bunchy grass spots! And because I am still running, I just had to go for a run! I was even "feeling like it" and ran 3.5 miles! I finished with a yell of accomplishment! The kids yelled with me and were proud of me. It felt so good and mentally stills feels great!
Then Mike and I went on a double date with our friends and ate at Chipotle! So yummy! Mexican burritoes with organic meat, rice, and veggies hit the spot! Thanks Hun! We also did some window shopping and walked through some small shops. We went with the guys to look at the new iPad and they went with us ladies to Bath and Body! It was so fun! We ate ice cream at Maggie Moos! Mike and I finished off our date with a movie at home. A ridiculous movie to say the least. We didn't even watch the whole thing it was so weird! Our luck on date movies has had a poor history and this added right to the list!
Today, we heard some great preaching! A challenge on giving to the Lord! Giving tithes, giving of our time, make giving a priority and not just "a later thought". God deserves our best. Our first, not our left overs. God blesses a cheerful giver!
We rested in the afternoon and then spent the evening with more friends. The boys and dads played a lot of street hockey and baseball! We even had our first burger cookout tonight! Charcoal bacon burger's made on a grill and the kids ate on the porch! This March weather is so wonderful!
Now it's time to get to bed! I have another week ahead of me! More chances to shine my light! More loving on the kids! Every day dates with my hubby! More laundry to wash and fold and put away. More lunches to pack. More "real life" with my family! It's the good life! Blessings!!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Dirt ...
This past week, we have been digging our toes and fingers in a lot of dirt! Our soil is so rich in our area and with this lovely weather, we have been digging!
We just have a small raised bed for our garden. It has strawberries plants growing on the one side and then I like to fill the rest up with vegetables. After putting on some fertilizer and hoeing it in really good, Hadassah helped me plant some stuff.
I planted two packs of radishes last Saturday. This week, Hadassah and I planted Buttercrunch lettuce, Great Lakes Head lettuce (new for me), Spinach, Black Simpson cut lettuce, and Onions. I am trying some new plants this year. I never planted onions before. I know every corner will be filled after we are finished with all our planting. Planting and harvesting are the fun jobs and I know keeping after the weeds will be work, but hopefully worth it!

Hadassah has been helping me with weed pulling and planting, but in between she is putting lots of miles on our little scooter! She rides and rides all around the drive way! Then she gets the soccer ball and kicks it back and forth in the yard. Oh, how nice it is to be outdoors in this warmer weather!
Ashlyn loves it outside too! Last night, the boys were playing ball and she was inside the back door watching. What a tease! She was so whiny and wanted to be outside too. She got her way for a just a bit and then inside with her toys!
Mike's been busy getting lots ready for the 2012 shed business. Some of their lots are closed during the winter and now they need some cleaning up and the open sign on the door!
Me ... well I am working at my spring cleaning. Still have a little to do. The outside work is pushing me in full speed too. We have so much spring work, but it looks so nice when it's all done! Running is still on my daily list of "must do's". Even though the warm weather makes for more work, I try to take the time to run. I have to purpose in my mind to get it done, because it can be a strong temptation to say no. It's easy to say that I am getting extra exercise from the work outside (truly it is), but that seems to be just more of an excuse rather than burning more calories. Also, this week I have been grilling for our suppers. Yummy!!! I love using the grill for steaks and chicken and veggies!
I have been thinking every day about our revival meetings we had at church the beginning of the week. The last night a lot was stressed on "rejoicing in the Lord" and not to worry. I tried to be more joyful this week and surely the verse in Philipians that says, "Rejoice in the Lord, and again, I say rejoice" really means just that!
Rejoice with me today in a new day. Another warmer day. Some rain came last night to water my seeds that were just planted and that makes me rejoice. Rejoice if your family is healthy! Rejoice if your husband has a job and food in your fridge! REJOICE!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
We just have a small raised bed for our garden. It has strawberries plants growing on the one side and then I like to fill the rest up with vegetables. After putting on some fertilizer and hoeing it in really good, Hadassah helped me plant some stuff.
I planted two packs of radishes last Saturday. This week, Hadassah and I planted Buttercrunch lettuce, Great Lakes Head lettuce (new for me), Spinach, Black Simpson cut lettuce, and Onions. I am trying some new plants this year. I never planted onions before. I know every corner will be filled after we are finished with all our planting. Planting and harvesting are the fun jobs and I know keeping after the weeds will be work, but hopefully worth it!
Mike and Matthew have been playing lots of baseball in the back yard all week. They use the wheel barrel for the back stop. Matthew's got his ball bag spread wide open! Spikes are tied and in use! Mike pitches over hand and fast! Matthew takes on the challenge and swings hard! He's good! He hits the ball and it sores high in the warm air! Mike is really impressed how he is improving from last year already! Matthew is saying no to little league this spring. I think he would just rather play with his dad!!!
Hadassah has been helping me with weed pulling and planting, but in between she is putting lots of miles on our little scooter! She rides and rides all around the drive way! Then she gets the soccer ball and kicks it back and forth in the yard. Oh, how nice it is to be outdoors in this warmer weather!
Ashlyn loves it outside too! Last night, the boys were playing ball and she was inside the back door watching. What a tease! She was so whiny and wanted to be outside too. She got her way for a just a bit and then inside with her toys!
Mike's been busy getting lots ready for the 2012 shed business. Some of their lots are closed during the winter and now they need some cleaning up and the open sign on the door!
Me ... well I am working at my spring cleaning. Still have a little to do. The outside work is pushing me in full speed too. We have so much spring work, but it looks so nice when it's all done! Running is still on my daily list of "must do's". Even though the warm weather makes for more work, I try to take the time to run. I have to purpose in my mind to get it done, because it can be a strong temptation to say no. It's easy to say that I am getting extra exercise from the work outside (truly it is), but that seems to be just more of an excuse rather than burning more calories. Also, this week I have been grilling for our suppers. Yummy!!! I love using the grill for steaks and chicken and veggies!
I have been thinking every day about our revival meetings we had at church the beginning of the week. The last night a lot was stressed on "rejoicing in the Lord" and not to worry. I tried to be more joyful this week and surely the verse in Philipians that says, "Rejoice in the Lord, and again, I say rejoice" really means just that!
Rejoice with me today in a new day. Another warmer day. Some rain came last night to water my seeds that were just planted and that makes me rejoice. Rejoice if your family is healthy! Rejoice if your husband has a job and food in your fridge! REJOICE!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
50 weeks
Today, Ashlyn is 50 weeks old. OK, it does sound better to say 11 1/2 months!!! Her big birthday day is coming up fast!
She takes a few steps by herself and then drops to the floor and crawls. She loves lifting up her shirt and showing off her belly button when we ask, "Where's your belly button?" Still only 2 bottom teeth. When we say, "I-yi" she gently pats with her hands. She loves it outside and I can tell she is going to love the summer and outdoors! Ginger and "kitty" are her pets! I adore her blue, blue eyes!!!
Here's the charm of my day ...
... actually, this was yesterday. I was just in awe of her blue eyes!
Showing her belly button ...
This is today. She can make a total mess quick in my kitchen. She loves to open the cabinets and clean out! I have bowls, baggies, small Tupperware containers sprawled out all over the floor!
Kinda a weird story ...
I love to yard sale, right? Well, last year there was a yard sale nearby and they had some baked goods too that they were selling. I bought some little waffle whoopies and they were so good! I thought about going back to the place and asking for the recipe but never did. Then last Saturday, I went to a yard sale again and realized when I arrived that it was this same place. I asked them if I could have that recipe? I couldn't wait to make these for my family!
Now I am off to do more house cleaning and then hopefully enjoy the beautiful weather outside!!!
She takes a few steps by herself and then drops to the floor and crawls. She loves lifting up her shirt and showing off her belly button when we ask, "Where's your belly button?" Still only 2 bottom teeth. When we say, "I-yi" she gently pats with her hands. She loves it outside and I can tell she is going to love the summer and outdoors! Ginger and "kitty" are her pets! I adore her blue, blue eyes!!!
Here's the charm of my day ...
... actually, this was yesterday. I was just in awe of her blue eyes!
Showing her belly button ...
This is today. She can make a total mess quick in my kitchen. She loves to open the cabinets and clean out! I have bowls, baggies, small Tupperware containers sprawled out all over the floor!
Kinda a weird story ...
I love to yard sale, right? Well, last year there was a yard sale nearby and they had some baked goods too that they were selling. I bought some little waffle whoopies and they were so good! I thought about going back to the place and asking for the recipe but never did. Then last Saturday, I went to a yard sale again and realized when I arrived that it was this same place. I asked them if I could have that recipe? I couldn't wait to make these for my family!
Now I am off to do more house cleaning and then hopefully enjoy the beautiful weather outside!!!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sweet rest!
Yesterday was a day of resting! Thankfully!
Saturday night was not a good night of rest at all for me! Ashlyn was coughing so bad! I got up Sunday morning frustrated and sure that I didn't want another night that again. Never!
I called my family doctor and asked if there's anyway to get Ashlyn checked? "Noon!" I couldn't be there soon enough I thought. I was hoping the doctor could get some meds for this nasty coughing and help us! Well, she did. We stopped at CVS for some prescription and now Ashlyn is doing some nebulizer treatments.
I did get to have extra rest yesterday afternoon. I took a much desired nap and then hung out with the kids and Mike! We spent the evening playing "Rook Board". It was the boys vs. the girls! Girls won both games!!!
Last night's sleep was much better! Once again, I am so grateful for doctors and for people that can offer help when in need!
If you have been praying for Ashlyn this week ... thank you! I am happy to start a new week. Fresh. A new day!
Enjoy the sunshine! I love it that the weather is forecasted to be in the 70's this week!!! Just love it!
My new flooring ...
The projects are complete and I love it! The new look gives a rich appeal and feels so much softer and cleaner! Take a peek ...
Saturday night was not a good night of rest at all for me! Ashlyn was coughing so bad! I got up Sunday morning frustrated and sure that I didn't want another night that again. Never!
I called my family doctor and asked if there's anyway to get Ashlyn checked? "Noon!" I couldn't be there soon enough I thought. I was hoping the doctor could get some meds for this nasty coughing and help us! Well, she did. We stopped at CVS for some prescription and now Ashlyn is doing some nebulizer treatments.
I did get to have extra rest yesterday afternoon. I took a much desired nap and then hung out with the kids and Mike! We spent the evening playing "Rook Board". It was the boys vs. the girls! Girls won both games!!!
Last night's sleep was much better! Once again, I am so grateful for doctors and for people that can offer help when in need!
If you have been praying for Ashlyn this week ... thank you! I am happy to start a new week. Fresh. A new day!
Enjoy the sunshine! I love it that the weather is forecasted to be in the 70's this week!!! Just love it!
(For those of you who know Ashly well, you can still see in her eyes that she is getting well!
So glad for her smiles this morning!)
My new flooring ...
The projects are complete and I love it! The new look gives a rich appeal and feels so much softer and cleaner! Take a peek ...
~ Kitchen ~
(new paint and floors!!!)
~ Foyer & Hadassah's room ~
~ Bathrooms ~
PS ~ Mike and I slaved in our little raised bed garden on Saturday! The weeds totally took over. (I thought weeds are not supposed to grow during the winter???) With both of us at the job, it didn't take real long! I got two packs of radishes planted! Maybe I will get some lettuce planted later this week!!! Love planting and eating "fresh from your garden" veggies!
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