Thursday, April 28, 2016


We had a warm, 80 degree day for Track this year at MACSA!!!  There was a wind in the air and so it didn't seem as warm but we all got some tanned skin from being out in it all afternoon!  Sherry and I traveled together and I couldn't wait to see Hadassah compete in Long Jump again!  Last year she placed second place and she was hoping to get first this year!!!
Hadassah was not feeling well and was home from school the day before blowing her nose, fighting a headache and lying on the couch.  She REALLY wanted to go to track ... it's one of the most exciting days of the school year for her!  

Waiting till it's her turn to run.

Going hard and fast!

Competing in long jump is something she seen back in sixth grade as a strength of hers.  Warming up and taking a few practice jumps is important.

Mike joined us at Messiah College to for the event!  Him and I got the jobs of raking after each jump and measuring!  :)  We didn't mind ... we were there to cheer on Hadassah!

Other girls from school watched her jump!

Practice jump ...

Here we go!

I was thrilled to see she jumped off my camera screen!!!  :)  She jumped well even though she wasn't feeling good!!!  13 feet, 4 1/2 inches was her best yet!!!  Way to go Hadassah!!!

Wow, how would I be if my pony tail were in the air like this!!!???!!!  :)

I love a day out like this!  I always get teared up when I hear everyone cheering each other on!  It reminds me of how it must be in heaven and having the angels and Jesus cheering us Christians on to our finish line!!! 
Hadassah was happy and pleased with receiving first place in long jump!!!  She was also ready to be back home and rest!!! 
Good job to the girls track team for place First Place in their division!!!  Wow!!!  What a great day!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Soccer game ...

 Hadassah loves soccer and she is happy to have the extra running and playing time because Track is right around the corner!!!  It would take all I've got to keep up with this girl right now!!! 

Soccer has always been a fun sport for Hadassah and so when she was questioning to play or not this Spring, I told her she should!  It's not like I'm looking for more games to go to.  No.  It's not like I love the after school practises and pick ups it requires.  No.  But I know she likes this sport.  And she's good at it!  And it's her last year to play at Linville Middle School.  So why not?  There's not many eighth grade girls playing but that's also good for her.  Branching out and encouraging the younger players brings out leadership!  Hadassah is great with doing this!

Going for a goal!

They have enough players to play the game but hardly any subs.  She plays hard and all game!!! 

She scored their only goal.  1-6.  They lost and felt discouraged but I was proud at how hard they played!

Team huddle.

The start of another goal scored.  Tough girls.

Hadassah and Jenna were so determined to play well!

I sat on the side lines just remembering how I used to like this sport!  Soccer was always so much fun me!  It's wonderful to watch Hadassah play now and sit back and cheer!  :) 

Good game girls!  I know you will try to beat the next competing team!!!  :)

Happy soccer season!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

"Little Man's" stage in life, plus!!!

Austin is another week old!!!  He's in between the 9 and 10 month stage!  He is advancing to more foods!  Toast!  Fruits and vegetables!  Yogurt.  Cucumbers.  He's not a big eater and still likes his bottle!  

He absolutely loves to carrying on and giggles!  He loves, loves his daddy and as soon as Mike walks in the door, he whines and goes crazy till he gets to him!  We love this!!!  :)

 The weather turned much more pleasant this weekend and we are enjoying our afternoons on the back porch!!!  Watermelon got put into the shopping cart on Monday at Costco!  It is one of Ashlyn's favorite foods! 

 And of course we had to introduce it to Austin!!!

Little League started this week also!  Matthew moved up to the next level this year and he is super excited about the tougher competition!  Go Tigers!!!

First base ... and they won their first game!!!

OK, next time I hope my pictures will be of better quality!

Hadassah had a soccer game on Monday but I decided to skip this game because of the distance!  I hope to get a few soccer game pictures later this week!!!

We took a ladies day out yesterday!!!  And boy was it fun!!!  Six of us long time lady friends went to see Terrain at Styers!  Greenhouses, flowers, herbs, plants of all sorts and then a café!!!  I was loving the whole experience!!!  Martha Rose planned it and so thank you for planning this fun day for us ladies!!!

Delicious drinks!

Bread baked right in the pot!!!  Yum!

I ordered a cauliflower sandwich which by the way was amazing!!!  After we ate, we toured some more!  Then went shopping!

Here we are!!!  I love these lady friends!!!
The whole day was a blast and it went by too fast!  Thanks ladies for the fun outing!!!  See you all Memorial Day Weekend!!!

Life sure is busy for us right now!  Spring projects, sporting events and family fun!!!  We are blessed to be healthy and thriving through this stage of life!!!

I love Spring time!!!