Monday, February 26, 2018

Goodbye Sunshine State.

We had to say good bye to the sunshine state on Thursday and even after almost two weeks of straight sunshine and warmth, I was not ready to come back home.  That's different for me.  Usually, whatever my mind is set to, I'm cool with that.  Like the past few winters when we didn't go to Florida at all and just hunkered down all winter here at home.  I was fine with that too but when we started discussing Florida this past fall, I was excited!  Our dates had me a little disturbed because we had to go a week earlier than our normal, routine, previous years dates because Mike has an outing coming up that he CANNOT wait to attend!  So, we bumped up our family vacation dates so we could be back home in time for him to leave us for his golf outing!  This meant I was on the lookout for a house to stay in Florida.  Again, the normal house we rented for years, was not available with our changed dates and so we went with a smaller house owned by my Aunt and Uncle.  I never saw it before but took her word that it would be a good vacation home for a few weeks! 
When we arrived and walked through the front doors, I was taken back just a bit at the size.  It was small.  Only one bathroom.  No dishwasher.  No king size bed (which we thought we were getting).  But there were no tears shed and after a quick rethinking in my head, we settled in!  The suitcases got unpacked and it really didn't take us long to appreciate this little home tucked on the side streets of Pinecraft.  Some positives were that it was small and therefore it didn't take long to get the place cleaned before heading back home.  We did have our own washer and dryer and that's a must for me with sandy towels everyday and a family of six laundry!  We were just down the road from brother Jason who was also vacationing with his family.  The kids loved that they could ride their bikes back and forth and be with cousins.  Then my parents came also to Florida and stayed nearby too.
Florida has amazing food!!!  We got down on Sunday and so I didn't get to the small Amish market till just before we came home.  I know .... that's so stupid because I love all their produce and fresh foods!  We ate out for supper, so I wasn't cooking much at the house anyway.  But when we ate out, we ate good, healthy foods!  This was a dish from a small café Hadassah and I ate at.  We got fresh pressed juice and amazing salads!!!

This was Austin's reaction to the beach and sand the first few days!!!  He hated it!!!  All the sand drove him nuts.  He hated to have sandy hands!!!  After about day three, he got used to it and we also tried to keep a bucket of water on hand for him to dip his hands into if need be.  Vacationing with Matt and Lena and their boys (they were also down but living at Mike's Mom's beautiful home) was a good time.  We spent almost every day with them.

Mike's Mom is doing pretty good in Florida this year with it being the first winter without Dad there with her.  This is tough stuff at times but we really got to enjoy some fun times with her down there.  She loves the water and ocean, so one day she went with us to the beach and this is her in the ocean hugging the little ones and spending time in the water with the kids!

And I already miss this!!!  Mike did SO good at making the beach time, my relaxing time.  I'm spoiled I know but honestly I didn't ask for this but that's how nice he treats me!  Everyday I'm his queen!!!  This was one of the first days on the beach together and he brought me a frozen lemonade that tasted amazing with the hot sun beating down on our white skins.  He also took Austin to the big playground every time we arrived at the beach.  This helped Austin warm up to the whole beach area and it gave Mike some one on one time with Austin!

The kids asked for soft serve ice cream a few times on the beach but it was not nearly the best ever!  No way!!!  But we had to give it a few licks now and then to keep it from melting away.

Like I said, we were with Matt's a lot while in Florida.  Ashlyn and Hunter love to play together and it went from seashell collecting to digging dip holes in the sand to swimming in the ocean!

And when he finally played in the sand, we were happy!!!

Another positive about the Florida house was that it had a large table!  There's no way it would have fit in the kitchen and the mirror wall right behind it had us surprised at times but this was a great place for the kids to do homework!  Most times, Ashlyn did a few papers each morning but this time we did some work in the evening.

My Mommy D. is in Florida for the winter too!  She has a lemon tree and told Ashlyn and Shakia that they could pick some off and keep them.  I do think they picked them ALL off but she still gave them to us to enjoy!  Florida citrus is the best ever!!!  I just wish I would have brought a lot more back home with us!

More ice cream.

We sat beside the red or green life guard when on the beach.  And look at those numbers!!!!  Totally amazing!

This little miss got her dear legs fried the first day on the beach.  It was my fault.  I have no idea what I was thinking because I hate, hate sunburn and usually try my very best to avoid such a problem.  I lotioned the kids good the entire we were in the sunshine by using SPF30 or 50!  But the very first day, I forgot to lotion Ashlyn's legs.  Or I thought I didn't need to???  I felt so bad because they were so red and sore for the next few days after that.  And here, she decided to take a short nap on the beach and wrap my shirt around her head.

Matt is a grilling guy, so one day we stayed on the beach until 8 PM!  We had a full day of sun then yummy burgers and hot dogs right off the beach!  The sunset was so pretty that night too!

Hadassah had a good time with Lena.  They went out a few times just them to go see the sunset and get another macaroon.

Hadassah was OK with not driving much at all in Florida.  Mike had decided from the start that there are too many big roads and high traffic to have her practicing it that.  Her goal was to get to the beach everyday and it almost happened as wished for!

Austin never had a sticky bun like this before we went to Florida and he LOVED IT!!!  He first called them "sticky mans" and just could not let it go if there was some in the kitchen.

And the wall of mirrors in the kitchen ... love you Babe!

The girls loved Florida!  The path right behind them was a biking path they used often!!!

JoTo's is a Japanese Restaurant we like to go to in Sarasota.  The kids loved this too!!!

She loves the sunshine!!!

Here's the display of fruits and vegetables that we saw everyday and finally I stopped by to get some for ourselves!!!  I grabbed a bag of honey bells and some Yoder's amazing granola to bring along home!!!

And now this juice is tasting great for breakfast this morning!!!  I think I might call Mom and ask if they can bring home from Florida another bag of these juicy oranges for us!!!

It's been rainy and the weather yucky ever since we came home but I am hoping that will change here one of these days!!!  I'm feeling like Spring is just around the corner and we can't wait to get in the gardens and back yard and enjoy some cookouts on the back porch!!!

Spring please come quickly!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Jungle Gardens, plus more.

I'm reliving my childhood memories by taking our children to Jungle Gardens.  We used to go to this place often when I was a kid and visited Florida.  Now, it's their turn.  Mindy and the girls went with us.
Hadassah got to hold a baby alligator.  Austin held a bird.  Shaelyn had a bird on her head.  And Ashlyn and Shakia both held birds on their arms.

The other day Mike was fighting off a weird stomach bug that only lasted during the night but he was still a bit weak the next day, so I took the kids to find a pool instead of the beach.  We went to an outdoor pool only to be told that it's eight feet deep and we could not use any puddle jumpers.  Well, there went Austins swimming.  So, we went right next door to the YMCA and swam for free for a few hours indoors.  The kids had a blast.

The food here in Florida is fantastic!!!  Mike brings us sweet rolls now and then.  Austin calls them, "Sticky mans."

Monday was Presidents Day and the beaches were going to be packed on another 80 degree day!  We decided to go to Ledo Beach and try to fight the parking issues at Siesta.  It was still a great day on the beach and we got tons of sun on our skins again.

There is a biking/walking path close to the house that we are staying at and here are the girls posing for a quick picture.

We went to our annual JoTo's for supper.  The kids absolutely loved it!!!

Strawberry Pie at it's best!!!

We got to Jungle Gardens and went right to the bird show.  So cute!




Parrots.  Tortoise.

Holding the animals was fun.

Lots of crocs.

The produce here is wonderful!

Our Florida trip is winding down.  I'm off to another day of full sunshine!!!