I still can't believe that we pulled this trip together!!!! It was such a good trip with tons of photos, lots of fun and laughter, miles of travels and my first girls trip with these ladies!!!!!
Mike surprised me with an early birthday card a few weeks ago. In the card he said that I am going to Waco, Texas with my "buddies" in April! This is my birthday gift for when I turn 40 next month! I was so excited and many thanks to these ladies for really making it become reality!!!!
Our flight was at 5:15 AM! That's super early and I woke up at 1 AM. Sarah Ebersole drove us ladies to the airport and we were off! We had a great early flight and arrived in Dallas at 10 AM. Dallas is a huge airport and we needed to get transported to our rental van! We were finally on the highways on the way to Magnolia Table! We were all hungry, really wanting our first cup of Joe and just ready to see Waco!
Here's the early morning crew!!!
On our way to Waco!
Mike heard us ladies dream up this trip last Memorial Day Weekend when us "buddies" always get together for the weekend! Martha Rose made the comment that we were going to do this for my 40th birthday. We dreamed but to actually get this trip accomplished is impressive!!! Mike talked to Martha about the trip in March and she began making the contacts and setting a date! Every one of the ladies made it work and tickets were ordered and an AirB&B was rented! This trip was very special to me!!! Thank you Mike! Thank you Martha Rose for all the behind the scenes work! Thank you ladies for making this possible!!!
This must be the year for new adventures and traveling! Jody and I have never before taken a trip together like we did when visiting Mom and Dad in Florida. I've never done a ladies trip with actually flying somewhere and touring! It's always been a day or two at the beach or something way more simpler! This was so much fun!!!!! It's much easier to travel and do getaway trips right now too! Mike was home with the little ones and I was off for a fun time!
When we arrived at Magnolia Table, there was a 2 hour and 45 minute wait! We were so hungry and just wanted some coffee by now at 1 PM!!!! We put our name in and decided to drive to the Silos and look around awhile! Magnolia Press came to our rescue with our coffee cravings! I got the Texas Pecan drip coffee with a Zucchini muffin! Both were so delicious!
We walked around the Magnolia grounds! The Silos were huge! The Magnolia Home was gorgeous! The church was one of favorite things on the grounds! Gardens, flowers, food trucks, families and shopping was all in one area that was so neat!
It was time to go back to Magnolia Table and we ate yummy, yummy food!!!!
After we were snuffed and recharged with that yummy food, we drove to see where Joanna Gaines had her first little shop!

If you know about the TV show Fixer Upper, this is how this trip got dreamed up! Chip and Joanna Gaines is a couple from Texas that bought fixer upper homes and ended up making a show out of their business. We love the shows and their story! Clint Harp is a man on their show that makes tables and furniture pieces that Joanna needs to stage the homes they flip. We got to visit this small wood shop and store!
We drove back to the Magnolia grounds and walked to the shops and toured the area! So neat!
This church was repaired and moved to the Silos! This was probably my favorite thing here!!!! It was so beautiful and as I walked inside I could just imagine old hymns and sermons being preached in this old church! What a treasure Chip and Jo added to their grounds! It was surrounded by small shops with the most pretty flower pots and plants!
Food trucks were outside and you could order lunch!
Magnolia Market was a really neat store where you could purchase candles, home decor, tee shirts, etc.!
I loved how they planted petunias in with lavender and herbs!!!!
Here's a photo of the inside of the church!
By now, we were getting tired and the weather was chilly. Texas is normally warm and balmy in April but this entire weekend was mostly overcast with some showers. I really wished it was warm and sunny but I couldn't change it and we just dressed in layers and still had the best of times!
We drove out of town and into the country to our AirB&B house! Each home has a gate and fences. This was such a neat home tucked back with trees surrounding it! I loved it here!
We relaxed on the couches and warmed up wrapped in blankets. We grabbed a lite dinner not far from the house at a homestead and by 11 PM, I was exhausted! It was a long day of travels, sights and good food but with being up so early, it was time to sleep!
We got to sleep in and then we were off for another day of adventure!
We drove back to Magnolia and got in line for cupcakes! I know, priorities right!?! We really wanted to try these famous cupcakes and cookies and figured to hit the line first thing!!!
As much as we wished for warm weather, it was just chilly and dreary.
Just having a good time chit chatting while waiting in lines!
I got the lemon lavender cupcake and it was so delicious with another cup of the Texas Pecan drip coffee that we got next!
We didn't do the best job at planning out our meals! We just went with it. We wanted to sleep in because lets be real here! Mom's like to sleep in once in awhile too! Instead of waiting in the long Magnolia Table again, we went to the Silos and got coffee, cupcakes and ordered brunch from the food trucks! I ate pizza!
The Findery was another store just down the street that we visited. And there were so many photo options and we hit so many of them!!!! :)))
I've never taken so many selfies!
I'm almost 40! This is the reason we got to celebrate this trip!
It was just so pretty here!
Lines around every corner!
The line was crazy to get into the Magnolia Market but we waited about 45 minutes in the rain to grab a few souvenirs! So many gorgeous Spring art!
We were cold and wet and needed to warm up a bit so we went for a drive to find some of the houses that Fixer Upper would have redone. We found the "castle property" that Chip and Jo are planning to restore and turn into a small hotel! This was the neatest! We just drove past because no restoration has happened yet. It will be fun to watch this get transformed on TV!
Supper was at a local Mexican Restaurant and the food was so amazing! I loved it!
We went back to Magnolia after dark and it was so pretty! The grounds were already closed but it was fun to see all the lights! Again, this church was one of my favorites!
Day three of more adventures, travels and a long day came too quickly! We slept in again and were out of the house at 11 PM.
We took a 30 minute drive to see where the Gaines live and what a gorgeous farm that we got to view from the side of the road!
It was time to drive back to Dallas, grab a bite to eat, return the van and fly back home.
The security was strange at Dallas! We had to take things out of our suitcases that normally we don't have to. They inspected our candles that we bought and we laughed as Suz had to repack her bags before boarding! :)))
The flight went well and Sarah was there to pick us up again at 9:30 PM! Long days of travel are exhausting but this trip will be one I will always remember!
I came back home to a cleaned up house and a note from my husband and kids!
God blessed me with good friends and even some of the best!!!!! Thank you again ladies for making this dream trip come true!!!!
Where to next ladies!?!