Thursday, June 30, 2022

Mike's 45th birthday!

Mike celebrated his 45th birthday earlier this week!  He chose to take the family to LCC for his birthday dinner.  We blessed him with some gifts and ate dinner, then went outside where the Club has a "mini golf" set up for the kids to play!  So cool!

Mike LOVES when we are all together as a family!  It's his favorite moments right now!  We love him so much and just love doing life together!


We finished the evening with watching the Summer of the Monkeys outside!!!!  It took a bit to get set up but I'm sure we will do this again!!!

Happy Birthday, Babe!!!  I love you SO VERY MUCH!!!!

Bible School week!

Lavender .... I love it!  I love the smell and love to watch it grow in the herb box and around Ashlyn's playhouse!  I've never used it for a syrup though until I just tried a simple syrup of sugar, water and lavender buds.  It makes a delicious lavender lemonade!!!!  This has been our favorite summer drink!!!


We came out of a week of Bible School at church and wow has it been both very good and very busy!  The kids loved it and this year I volunteered to help each night!  That was fun, tiring and full of life!!!  The drama team the best EVER drama story of the life of Joseph!  One of the youth guys wrote the script, a youth girl did all the costumes and many youth made it happen it night with acting!  They had a camel, cows, sheep and a elephant ... all made with the youth being the animal and some cardboard!  Just so cool!!!!

There were bible verses each night with hand motions and Ashlyn helped a few times with this!

Crafts were a part of the week and I helped with this Thursday and Friday!  The kids did a great job!

Each craft was themed with the story of Joseph.  One night we decorated gingerbread men with coats of many colors!  Then another night we made sacks with feed in each one!  

Our June is flying by quickly!  Ashlyn is all into rip sticking and wanted to go to the park for a bigger hill to ride down.  They also tried to catch some frogs.

We have zucchini in the garden and so the kids made each a loaf of their own zucchini bread.

I went out to the garden to see what they were doing the other day and they were painting rocks for our plants.  Also, someone thought the cabbage needed some paint.

I planted some wild flowers last year in the garden area and these poppies are blooming from those seeds last year.  So pretty!

More food art ... Ashlyn made a heart shape bird seed for the birds and I made more sourdough.

Second batch of lavender syrup .... we love it with lemonade!

Still reading this book now to the Littles.  We had a stall from Bible School last week but I'm ready to dig into this book again!  It's a good read but it's going to be hard to beat Summer of the Monkeys!  We loved that book!  We got the movie from the library and watched it twice!

We even got the movie set up outside last night!  I've always wanted to do an outdoor movie here at home with the kids and now we did!  I think we will do this more often!

This has been a beautiful month of June!  The weather had us visiting the pool often!  We really enjoyed Saturday when we went to Bird in Hand Bake Shop for their 50th anniversary celebration!  Good food and pony rides and bounce house.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best dad of the best kids!!!!  I love these people with all my heart!!!!!

We celebrated Father's Day with some fun events!  We decided to get breakfast at Hudson Botanical and it was so delicious!  They serve the prettiest food and it was so, so good!!!!

Then we went to watch Jeremiah play street hockey!

We arrived a little early and watched a game before Jer's game!  They won!

Hadassah gave Mike a fish for his new office as a Father's Day gift.

We came home and took naps.  Then we went to my parents and had a campfire with them and ate hot dogs.  We stopped in at Mom Lapps too on the way home because she invited family over too.  Father's Day is a great way to remember and celebrate the dad's in this world and especially celebrate MIKE!!!

I love Mike and we have the best kids!!!  Happy Father's Day, Babe!!!!!!

Summer vacation mode.

 Ashlyn and Austin are at the stage where chores can be done well, going and coming is much easier and faster and our summer is going great!  I just knew there would come a day where I wouldn't be needed for everything they do!  😃

We are not great at chore charts but setting and clearing the table is something they can do for me to help out!  This time I chuckled and just shook my head because I am sure that my mom would have never allowed rollerblades in the house ... but here we go!  It was fun for them and I don't allow this too often but when I remember that the days of young children go so fast, there are times for exceptions.

June has our rose bushes bursting with color!!!

Zucchini is growing in the garden and I made some zucchini bread!  We love this stuff!

Summer nights are spent around the campfire!  

Meg and Mel spent the two nights here while Tony's went to an out of state wedding and we had to stop for a few photos with the gorgeous sunset behind us!  Zayla joined the girl party for a little too!

We have little caterpillars in the garden that love our fennel leaves!  They are so pretty!

I tried out a "healthier strawberry jam" the other day!  All it is is 2 cups fresh cleaned strawberries blended with 1 1/2 cup dried pineapple tidbits.  That's it!  As it blends, it thickens.  So easy and delicious!

While the twins were here, we tried making popcorn over the campfire again!

We finished our first read along book for this summer!  This is a big accomplishment because I do a terrible job at reading aloud to the little ones but this was something we really enjoyed!  I hope to get another read soon from the library!  If you are looking for a fun book to read to your children or just a fun read, go read "Summer of the Monkeys!"  So cute and fun!

I also picked up Just 18 Summers at the library and hope to read this myself.  When you think of maybe only have 18 summers with each child in your home, you may look at the years a little differently!  Cherish the summers, the days of young children and love it!!!!

We spent two days with the Riehls at a reunion and boy was it fun!  The kids swam, the boys and men played games of softball and it was great to see cousins again!

The Riehl family has been through tough stuff over the past years but they always stick together, have each others back, gather around with laughter and fun and eat well!  Allen and Aary Mae made chicken wings and French fries for everyone!

This is a great family!  For many years, the Riehls would gather at a cabin and have a few days together.  That always looked like too much work, not the best sleeping conditions and so many people but when they decided to gather at a near by place this time, we bit for the chance to be together!  The kids loved it!  We loved it!  So fun!

June blooms are going strong!!!!

Our summer is looking like this lately!  Wings, corn on the cob and Mac and cheese!  Austin got hit by a stomach bug about two weeks ago and even though he didn't throw up any time, he had bellyaches for almost a week.  He didn't eat much then but things are changing now that his belly is on the mend!  He's hungry often and I love it because if he wants to grow strong muscles and get big, he needs good nutrition!  This is a picture of how my mornings start off normally!  I get up and pack Matthew a big lunch.  Egg sandwich, cereal, snacks, fruits, etc..  Then I start the laundry and Mike leaves for work too.  If the house is quiet, Ashlyn and Austin sleep in!  I read my devotions and sometimes fall back to sleep for a little.  Lazy summer mornings are the best and I know I'm spoiled!!!!

The garden is a place that you will find us most evenings!  Right now we have tomatoes growing.

Kholrabi is ready to cut and eat!

Zucchini is growing and the herb box is full!

John and Mim went out for dinner and the boys stayed here.  It was Kholrabi with salt for a snack!

Cucumbers are coming!  Cabbages are looking good!

At the Riehl reunion, Aunt Aary Mae asked if I would help out at market on Saturday.  I said no thank you!  She asked a few more times and said that Ashlyn could come along and that we wouldn't have to be at market till 10 AM.  I had a market job for many, many years when I was younger and loved it but it's been like 20 years since I went and just wasn't sure I was into it.  The next day I got to thinking more about it and thought that this would be a fun chance to introduce Ashlyn to the market life.  She's never worked at market.  We decided to go and Mindy and Shakia went too!  It was fun, crazy and with lots of trying to remember how I used to do things, the day was a success!  Ashlyn loved it!  I liked it too and there was a lot of things that are still the same even after so many years passed.  We worked and came home tired.

But it was Heritage Days in our hometown and we ended the day with watching fireworks!  So cool!

June is a wonderful month so month and we are loving our summer vacation mode!