Wow!!! Last week we were stepping with all the sports activities! Matthew finished up his golf season for high school and finished well by going to States! Ashlyn also had her last middle school volleyball game last week! We can't seem to stay away from the team that Hadassah is coaching because we love watching volleyball and seeing our children thrive and lead!
Dress like fall day! We love when school allows the kids to dress in a themed shirt instead of always a logo shirt. This was fun to dress in fall colors today!
We were bracing ourselves and knowing that this week would be super busy because Arise Collective came to town and is preforming the show Pilgrim at our church for the next two weeks. Mike and I were asked to be on the committee to help with hosting this large group! I helped lined up meals for these dear actors and Mike is on the security team! It takes a community to make this all run smoothly but it's been so much fun! I made a few Costco runs for them to grab food and drinks that they need. Mike's been at almost every show so far being on security! The kids are loving it and Ashlyn sits in a show any chance she gets! It's so powerful!!!! I wish I could tell you all to go grab tickets but every show is sold out at this time. The word gets out and people grab the tickets as soon as they are released! God is on the move here at Honeybrook and we are excited to watch and be a part of it!!!!

I pulled out the pepper plants because the frost has showed up! I had sweet peppers, hot jalapeño peppers and stuffing peppers. I looked up a recipe on Pinterest and decided to make a refrigerator pepper! I boiled white vinegar, added mustard seed, celery seeds and sugar. I chopped up the peppers and stuck them into jars and topped it with the hot brine. Peppers don't like my stomach but the family is going to love these on burgers, pizza, etc..
I filled a 2 Qt. jar of peppers for us and then divided up the rest of the peppers into smaller jars. I might be giving these as gifts! So cute and tasty!
I also canned a case of boneless, skinless chicken thighs last week and my canning shelves are looking good! We have fresh applesauce, chicken and tuna now on the shelves! The grape juice is so good and we are drinking lots of that right now! These shelves are full of God's blessings to us! It's a lot of hard work and sweat to can and preserve food like this but SO WORTH IT!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!!
We have friends that love my sourdough bread. I'm not bread queen but I gave them a loaf the other week as a baby gift and they want to learn how to make it!!! That had me grabbed for my sourdough starter again! I love adding fresh herbs that are still thriving in the garden and adding it to my bread!
This time I tried the pumpkin method! Not too bad for the first time!!!!!
The front porch planters were still looking wonderful but it's much easier to pull out flowers before they get frost! I cleaned out the pots and I decided to try to keep the banana leaf plants this year! I've never had these plants and I want to see if I can keep them until next year! They got moved inside and I hope they do well for me until I move them back outside in the spring!
Love these fall flowering kale plants!
Remember I told you Arise Collective is around and they lead worship at church Sunday morning and how beautiful it was!!!! I loved it! We came home to eat killer tuna melts from the fresh tuna I canned last week and they were delicious! We relaxed and watched the Phillies win yet another game and now they are going to the World Series! Then the Chiefs won and Mike was fired up! We didn't have plans to be with the Pilgrim crew that night but Mike said, "Let's go to church!"
We joined the team of people that are helping get a fundraiser together for Pilgrim! It takes a lot of funds to have a team this size travel around spreading the gospel of Christ! It's exciting to see how God is moving!
What an honor to have the Pilgrim Cast do a show for school kids! Linville took the middle school and Ashlyn loved it so much that her friends could see this show! It was so powerful!
Teachers and leaders were wiping tears! The kids took in so much good vs evil but knowing that God is always good and there for each one of us! Ashlyn met Faith, one of the actors, and asked for a picture with her friends! This is so life giving to have the community and friends watch this show and be forever impacted!!!!! To God be the glory!!!!
Getting out right after the kids leave for school has been something I pushed off for so long but now look so forward to it each morning! Linda and I are still walking through the park and it's wonderful to breath in that fall air and see the beauty in the trees! Walking with a friend is a hundred times better than walking alone!!!! Thank you girl for being my walking buddy!
The leaves are starting to fall and the air is fresh! So much beauty is around me! Have a great week and enjoy this day!!!!