Monday, February 27, 2012

Last weekend in February ...

Happy Monday!!!  It's the start of a new week.  The beginning of a new day!  The start of a big pile of laundry! 

Our weekend was a good weekend.  We spent a lot of time at home just enjoying each other and relaxing. 

Hadassah spent Friday night at a friends house.  She had fun, so thank you Anna for inviting her!!!  The rest of us went to Matt Lapps and played some Cities and Knights (an extension to Settlers)!  We normally do this a lot with Matt's during the long winter nights, but this year seems to be busy.  Maybe it's the 'not so cold days' that keep us going and more busy???  Anyway, Mike ran from our house to theirs and after he got showered up and drank some of Matt's good, healthy smoothie, we got to our game.  It was a good time and fun!!!

Saturday, we picked out some new flooring for our home!  There are some rooms that need to be upgraded and we are hoping to have our new flooring in soon!!!  After some relaxing and a long 30 minutes on the treadmill, we visited my grandparents!!!  (It is hard for me to get motivated with my running since we are back from Florida!  Running in 70 degree weather is still much funnier than the 40's!!!  Mike put a guilt trip on me so I agreed to do the treadmill instead of getting out in the chilly wind!)  Anyway, I was so excited to hear that they were coming home from Florida for the weekend!  (Sad that it was a funeral that brought them back though!!!)  Because we didn't get to Sarasota this winter, it usually seems really long since we get to see Daudy D.'s!  They spend the whole winter in the warm south but because of an extended family member passing into eternity this weekend, they came home.  Saturday night, we went to their house and chatted and ate snack!  It was so good to see them again!  They left this morning again for Florida and I hope the rest of the winter is bright and sunny there for them!  Love you Mommy and Daudy D.!!!

Sunday was church for us and then the rest of the day at home.  We rested.  Mike ran and I treadmilled.  The kids played lots of Lego's.  Baby enjoyed the attention she got and loved the rides!  Hadassah and Matthew tied a string to one of my baskets and put Ashlyn in it.  They pulled her around the house and she was loovvinnggg it!  She loves her siblings and it's great to see how they love each other!
 Waving "bye bye" ...

Now, it's Monday.  When I woke Hadassah this morning, I said, "This is the last week in February and then it's March and Spring is in March!"  Yeah!!!  Love Spring time!  Today the kids are in school and Mike's at work.  I cleaned up the house from our laziness yesterday and the laundry pile is going down!  I also need to stock up the fridge and pantry with some wholesome foods.

I hope your Monday is a good start to a good week!!!

Here's a quote for today:

"No one is in charge of your happiness but you."