Monday, May 14, 2012

Celebrateions: Birthday & Mother's Day!!!

My weekend of luxury began on Friday already!  My 31st birthday was and Mike took me out on a date Friday night.  He walked in the back door with a beautiful red rose for me.  Then we dropped the kids off at my in-laws and we went to eat at Longhorn and then hung out!  We stopped to buy our mother's some flowers. 

I love nights out with just Mike!  We always get into great talks and I love when we can just love on each other all night!  We are so terrible at picking out movies for our "date night closer".  Mike loves movies about conspiracies and if I watch a movie (which isn't too often), I want something nice, sweet, and happy!  We went to the red box looking if something catches our eye.  We came home with "We bought a Zoo".  I thought it said comedy on the case.  It wasn't funny or comedy but we did like it.  (Personal opinion here though ... wouldn't want my kids watching it.  It does have some dramatic scenes.)

May 12 ... my birthday.  Saturday morning I got up early for one yard sale.   Mike stayed with the kids.  I am winding down with yard sales.  It gets too busy during the summer months.  Hadassah woke up remembering it was my birthday.  When Matthew woke up, I got him some breakfast and a little while later I asked him, "Did you remember it's my birthday today?"  He turned around and ran up to me with a big hug and said, "Happy birthday, Mom!!!"  He was so sweet!


Mother's Day was a great day for me!!!  Mike is a huge fan of Mother's Day and he tries his best to make it a fun, as little work for me as possible, and relaxing day for the mom of our three children ... Me!  I woke up Sunday with Mike asking me, "Would you like a coffee?  Happy Mother's Day!"  He warmed some breakfast for the kids and washed all the dishes!  Mike bought three lilies for the kids to give to me.  They also signed a card and presented it to me with love!  Matthew also made me a bouquet of flowers with coupons written on each one at school.  Amazing!  Love it!

We went to church and right inside the foyer was a big table piled high with mini chocolate covered whoopies.  Every lady that was at church was allowed to take some!  There were also lots of flowers setting around for secret sisters.  It all looked so nice. 

There were two gifts for me.  One for birthday and one for Mother's Day.  One was a big hanging pot filled with inpatients!  The other was a big bag filled with goodies that says, "For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting."  These were great gifts ... so thank you to who ever you are!!! 

The sermon was focused on Mother's too.  A lot was spoken about this:  "The Hand that Rocks the cradle, is the Hand that Rules the World."  All the men gathered around all the ladies and they prayed a special mother's day prayer over us!  It was touching! 

There was fellowship meal served too after the service.  I did feel bad for the ladies that cooked up a storm to serve all the rest of us, but I enjoyed the prepared lunch!  Hadassah went home with a church friend (thanks Jenna!!!) and Matthew played with Josh and Mike that were around from Tennessee.  While baby napped, Mike and I did too.  I know ... it sounds like the perfect day!  It really was! 

We had evening services at church last night and we enjoyed the singing from Faith Chorale.  Tucking the kids in bed last night was a great reminder of all my blessings!  I love being their mom!

Mother's Day is of course not all about me ... but also about MY mom.  She is a great woman.  A mom that taught us kids how to work, how to love and be kind, how to serve Jesus.  Now that I have children of my own, I appreciate how she interacts with our kids.  I see how hard she really worked to keep our home clean and a safe haven.  Our kids love going to her house!  It's like dream land when they open the pantry door and pick out a sweet!  (All those star burst and skittles can be substituted with granola bars and raisins though!!!  :)  I think it's a "Grandma thing"!)  "Thanks for being such a wonderful mom to me mom!  I love you so much!"


The other night, Hadassah painted Ashlyn's toenails.  Well, actually, just one foot.  She wasn't holding still very good!  She was really checking it out.  Later, the older kids were playing with some markers.  Normally, Ashlyn just walks around holding some markers too, but this time she got one open.  She took off the lid, sat down, and started writing on her foot and all around her toenails.  I wish my picture would have turned out better ... but it was so cute.  Now, she's done it twice.  Guessing we need to start keeping markers out of her reach!?!

Hadassah's class did tye dye shirts on Friday afternoon.  Wrap a tee shirt tight, secure it with lots of rubber bands and then squirt it with dye.
 Here's another way to do it ... make little "buttons" and then color just them.
 Another way is to tie your shirt like this and layer the colors.
 Squirting the dye into the shirts that were wrapped up tight.

I hope your weekend was fun too.  Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!