Mike serves on our church missions board. This past weekend we had a fundraiser for the Nicaragua Project that church is organizing. For years now, we have had groups go to Nic and serve the people there. We built a church, homes, painted, visited orphanages, bought a farm there and are trying hard to help the people learn how to grow their own vegetables, and the most important thing of all ... TELL THEM ABOUT JESUS!!!
I went to Nicaragua when I was a teenager and really enjoyed it. I have no excuses to not have returned back to this beautiful country. Mike, on the other hand, has been there several times. We actually have a few men from church leaving this week to go and see/organize some mission projects for this upcoming winter. Winter seems to be the time most people want to go and serve. It works good with slower businesses and going some place warm is always appealing in the dead of winter!!! :)
Our second fundraiser all began on Friday. (Well, lots of planning and ordering were done way before this.) Those on the missions board meet at lunch time and started to unload foods, tables, and everything else that makes a fundraiser work! Hadassah and Matthew really helped out! (Thanks Erma for caring for Ashlyn! She really loved Alaina's house! :) )
So many folks commented that the food at this tournament/fundraiser was the best. I, of course, have to agree because we've got the best cooks! Fresh pressed hamburgers beats any other kind of burger by far!!! Fresh yogurt parfaits with creamy yogurt and fresh berries is awesome! Sausage sandwiches with homemade sauce and grilled onions ... yes please! Fresh fruit! Root beer floats! And, and yummy, yummy wings! Smoothies! And so much more!!!
We had the young girls cut fruit and make the yogurt parfaits.
Yep ... they were made perfect!!! :)
Fruit cup ... and our wing cook!
Fresh cut potatoes for French fries ... smoothie stand!
Mike set up the canopy for the umpires to rest and hang out in! He did a great job getting the umpires and organizing their times! Proud of you Hun!
Enjoying the moment before umping yet another ballgame in the warm sun!

The weekend of ball tournaments and serving food was all for missions! What a fun way to serve for the cause of Christ!!!
Thanks to all you who helped make this fundraiser a success!!!
If anyone is interested in visiting Nicaragua this winter, please let me know. I can provide some information to you!
We are so blessed here in America!!!