Friday, September 6, 2013

Canning and Freezing ...

This is the time of year when I do most of my canning and freezing.  I love to plant the foods and garden but harvesting it all takes a bit more effort!!!  I still have a row of carrots that need dug out and tomatoes to keep after.  My egg plant decided to grow more blooms too!  The three watermelon plants are thriving in the front flower bed!  It will be a late harvest for those because I got them planted a little late again.  What's wrong with eating watermelon in October!??  :) 

String Beans ...
I planted three "small" rows of string beans later this summer.  They were just small but the beans grew plentiful!!!  I cleaned so many beans and froze lots of bags!!!  This is by far one Ashlyn's favorite cooked veggies!!!  She sits so quietly at the supper table chowing on green beans!!!  I am glad to say that the green beans are now pulled out and finished for the summer!!!

(One of my many pickings.)

Peaches ... I did two baskets of Baby Gold Peaches.  I did this kind last year and we really liked them.  They stayed firm and did not get mushy!  Mom and Mommy D. wanted to do them too.  Mommy D. heard all kinds of comments about how these peaches are a pain to peel and stone.  I just smiled because even though it does require more work to clean the peaches, they are so yummy to eat!!!  I am sure she will enjoy these very much!!!

Peppers ... I picked a big bowl of green, red and yellow peppers and still have a bunch growing.  Matthew cheers when he sees these ripen in the garden!  He likes to eat these raw!  I also picked a bunch of jalapeno peppers too.  I cut them in strips and slices and canned them with great herbs and olive oil.  They smell wonderful when you open up a can!!!  They are great with sandwiches or any hot meats!!!  Mike will love these!

 Applesauce ... Two baskets of mixed Ginger Gold and Smoke House Apples was made into applesauce on Tuesday.  This is my favorite canning food because it's the one I love the best!!!  Applesauce is set on our dinner table each night.  I love it with any kind of hot food!!!  And soup!!!  It just makes everything so much better!!!  :)

 Mom in law has an outdoor cooker that we use each year!  It works so well and does a whole bunch at a time!!!  Thanks mom!!!

Ashlyn and Sophia both enjoyed a small tea cup full of warm applesauce while we worked!!!  Such cuties and great friends!!!

Pickle Relish ...
Yesterday, sister Jody and I canned pickle relish.  We got the new recipe from mom and after slicing lots of cucumbers and mixing in more spices, we filled over 40 pints!  I forgot to take pictures, so maybe the next time I make a yummy sandwich with these sweet pickles on top, I'll share the moment with you!!!  :)  These really are so good!!!  I can't wait to top my homemade burger with them.  Or eat them right out of the jar.  Or top a hot ham and cheese with a few slices!!!

My canning is almost over with only a few more things to fill my shelves up with.  I have salsa and pizza sauce left from last year, so no need to do more of that.  I would like to juice some tomatoes for some delicious tomato soup!  I am waiting to see the fall advertisement from our local grocer for turkey or chicken thighs.  I need to can some meat and have that handy for chicken noodle soup and casseroles! 

I am so blessed to be able to restock the cellar shelves and reap another year of good harvest!!!