We started with the girls eating supper dressed in their 'Sunday best'. After Sherry and I ate our soup, (yes, we let just the girls eat at the pretty table while we sipped on tomato soup from the living room) the girls moved to the basement. There they got changed into comfy cloth and slippers. We filled the foot soakers up with warm water, poured in some soap and massaged their feet, neck and back! We set up a display of polish options and I painted nails. The girls had fun and while they sipped on hot tea, they talked in a British accent. Some of those girls are really good!!! Some of the others just laughed!!! Like me. :) It was time for the fun to be over too soon for the girls that night but they had a wonderful time together!!! Thank you parents for your donations to our great school!!! Thank you Sherry for hosting the Spa Party at your house!!!
This was a fun night!!! Thanks girls!!!
Then the next day was Saturday. :) I took some family pictures for my sister and then worked around the house. Mike was home till lunch and got more house chores done too! Thanks Babe! Matthew and I sliced up Mike's deer baloney. We used our new slicer that was given to us last Christmas! Worked good. After our lunch of fresh baloney sandwiches, we went down to my parents farm and got set up for the Hobo Youth Supper. Mom and I went from her attic, to the front porch, and out to the barn with all kinds of fall/harvest things. I found an old shelf in the barn that worked perfect for our pumpkin pies. This to was fun. We had dinner plans and so we came home just in time to freshen up and leave the house once again. Thanks John and Suz & Uncle John and Kathy for the fun night, good food and more Texas chatter!!! :)
Bags of baloney for the freezer!!!
Sunday arrived with the sunshine peaking through just a bit. It was overcast most of the day. After church, a wonderful lunch, we went down to my parents to finish up our Hobo Supper details and get the food cooking. I could go on and on about this fun night, but I won't. I think pictures might tell most of the silly, wacky, great time we all had!!!
I will just say this though ... we have great youth leaders, a fun group of youth and putting that all together in a barn with lots of food and games = A GREAT TIME!!!
Hadassah was delighted to have some Hobo girlfriends at the youth party!!!
Ashlyn was cute. Matthew was happy to be able to wear his fun shirt that he cut off the sleeves all by himself.
Hadassah and Kelsey!!!
Shakia and Ashlyn ... such great friends! Melody was a little cowgirl!
John Mike and Mim looked so ... well, they fit in just great too! :) Love it!
There was this honking of a horn. A loud truck pulled right up to dad's barn. Guess who it was? H.K. & Lynn! What sports! They were such a howl!!!
Amey & Marty came too!!! Take a look at Christopher ... Ashlyn was not too sure of him!?! Then we have the two Esh Hobo's and a Lapp girl. :)
Father and Son!
The dessert table. (Sorry about the lighting. I didn't feel like editing all these pics so they are Hobo style too! :) )
The "Trash Can Meal" was cooked in the barn in big turkey cookers. I wish I could send along with these pictures the smell of raw shrimp and corn, onions & garlic, smoked sausage and red potatoes ... all with seasonings - but I can't. Just imagine it. Add some barn Hobo music! And lots of energetic youth!
Paper was spread on the tables. When the food was ready to eat, it was dumped right on top. No plates. No forks and spoons except for salad and dessert.
Matthew loved the shrimp. I think Kara was growing things in her hair.?.
I loved this hair due!!! Also, Ashley had put a hanger through her hair.
Matt Smoker ... weird! Ashlyn loves corn on the cob. Yum!
Of course, my hubby had a blast with the guys!
This is Hadassah's style of fun too!!! Take a look at the table ... a total mess! That's why you do things like this in a barn right?
H.K.'s eating and one of the games were to make something out of spam. A house.
Fries, burger and drink. Brother LaVern looked hilarious too!!!
Another game ... duck tape with shaving cream spread over it. Then you throw Q-tips and see how many you could get sticking. Then it was putting your face into a chocolate pie and digging out the gummy pigs. A prize of sunflower seeds was given to the winner with the most pigs on the table.
... an empty toilet was used for shelled peanuts.
He was amazed! Mim got a left over chocolate pie put in her face by her son! Goodness what a mess! What fun!
Bean bag throws. Mommy D. even helped play this game! Here are the guys and dad making the food in the cookers in the barn!
Mike and I!!!
Thanks so much to dads for opening up their barn and for the youth leaders to make this such fun!!! You truly are making a difference in our youth today!!! Keep it up!!! I love it that we have youth at church that can get serious with spiritual talk and yet come and have a total blast on a night like this!!! We are blessed to have such a fun church family!