Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer vacation has begun!

School is officially out!  That means it's time to be outside with the kids more, in the garden picking weeds and fresh vegies and going to the pool!!!  Our schedule's relaxed a lot with now not needing to always to pushing to get the kids tucked into bed in a decent time!!!  Sometimes I wonder what time they really would get to bed if I wouldn't keep pushing the matter???  Even when we were at dad's Sunday night for a hot dog cookout after church, I was looking at the time and saying it's time to get to bed.  Everyone looked at me like ... you don't have school anymore why are you so worried about the time?  I wasn't worried but we still can't function with a bedtime at 11 PM every night either!!!  :)

We were very proud of the kids with their awards!  Matthew was awarded with the Christian Character Award!  Wow ... what an honor!  He also got the Dove award from his teacher plus a track-n-field ribbon!  Hadassah was awarded with A Honor Roll!  She was the only one from 6th grade to average an A for the year!  Good job girl!!!!  She also got a 6th place ribbon from MACSA for high jump and a first place ribbon in high jump at track-n-field.  What a great jumper!!!

It's always an adjustment the first days of 'no school' but so far it's going well!  I do keep hearing the plea to go to the library or to Jody's to play with cousins.  I'm all into going to both of these places but we can't every day and I still have my errands to get done around the house.  We did get to the pool once already though since school is out!!!  Saturday, Matthew went with Mike to his shed lot and helped him work.  I took the opportunity to take the girls to the pool in the afternoon!  It was a sunny day and they loved the water once again!  We are started with our summer tans!  We also enjoyed a fun burger cookout later!  John and Ruth had us and Matt's over for supper and we sat outside enjoying the lovely evening!  Fresh garden salad, fresh pressed hamburgers on the grill and brownie's for dessert hit the spot!!!  :)

Sunday we went to church and we were reminded of Pentecost and read of how God sent down His Holy Spirit on the church!  What a gift to have for us Christians!  The Holy Spirit's guidance will always be available for the believer!!!  We were also challenged to not being a mile marker along the path of life but to be a fork or crossroad to others!  Be a shining light to the world so that when they see us, Christians, they will want something more ... Jesus!  They will want to know about Jesus because they will see the difference He is making in us!  We need to be that encouraging family that made a choice that "we will serve the Lord".  Be genuine.

We came home for lunch and then Mike went out biking while the rest of us relaxed.  We had church again in the evening and it was great to see how God is working Mexico!  Anthony shared about his experiences and how it is to live in Mexico!  Then we went to dad's for a little snack and finally to bed.

Monday was the first morning that the kids got to sleep in.  Ashlyn was up first.  Then Matthew but he came out on the couch and slept some more.  Meanwhile I went back and made his bed (I know I keep reminding myself that he should now be doing this ... ).  Soon he woke up and went back to bed!!!  He made it the second time!!!  :)  Hadassah was the one that slept till almost 10 AM.  I went out for a few groceries.  The weather didn't look promising for a sunny day so we went to the mall with Mom and Mommy D.  Jody didn't go along so I left Ashlyn there to play with the girls!  That was a big break because taking the two oldest took extra time looking at their choices and things.  It was a fun day at the mall and fun with the kids!  We hope to get to the pool sometime this week!

This was us the other day at the pool!!!