Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Only four more days till Christmas!

With it being Christmas time, I ordered a devotional book called "The heart of Christmas", by Hank Hanegraaff.  This book is meant to be read each day, for twenty five days, leading up to Christmas day!  This little book brings the reason for some of the traditions we do each year.  Like the Christmas tree.  And Santa Claus.  One of these days I'm going to look up more traditions and find out where they were started!  It also gives some scripture to read and a carol at the end of each day.  It has been interesting to actually read the words to many of the familiar Christmas songs we sing each year.  I find myself humming them as I read.  I'm realizing that too many times I just sing these same songs without really knowing what I'm saying. 
The devotional for this morning talked about "advent" meaning "coming".  He gave examples of how Joshua was the leader for the Children of Israel to go into the Promise Land.  Jesus in our Savior for our "promised land" ... heaven!  The scripture took me to when the angel appeared to Joseph and told him that it's OK to take Mary as his wife and to not be afraid.  I sat there and thought that maybe if Joseph would not have thought about making a divorce against Mary, the angel may have never appeared to him.  Now, I know God knows all things but I had to think of how it may have been.  God saw that Joseph was struggling with the idea of Mary just mysteriously becoming pregnant by the Holy Spirit.  He must've have doubts.  Really, who wouldn't?  This is the first time this was ever heard of.  Why was it happening to him?  To them?  How was he to believe Mary even though she was such a sweet girl and has always been honest and humble?  How could he believe such a story?  And then in walks God into his life through a dream.  God sends an angel!  Gabriel came and talked to Joseph and told him that this really was a true story!  Mary was really still a virgin and yet pregnant with the Son of God.  He was not to be afraid!  He was to name this baby boy Jesus!
Do you think Joseph sat up and thought long before being able to move?  Or do you think it was so real that he jumped up and ran to Mary's house and told her that it's going to be OK.  She believed it would be OK but hearing those words come from Joseph was so comforting!  God was with them!  He believed her!  He believed the angel!  Did he have answers for all the towns people that still thought they were crazy folks?  Did he just believe and not have any more questions?  Probably not, but he did know that because of God, this was all possible!  It was enough for him!  He trusted in God and took Mary as his wife!
Christmas day is coming!  Take time to read and reread about the birth of Jesus!  Let your mind wonder and put yourself in their shoes.  How it must have been.  Think of the excitement of a new baby.  Of seeing and hearing angels.  Of knowing that this was the plan for redemption!
And because I love pictures, here are more of our darling children!  :)

Bring peace.  Bring joy.  Bring song into your homes today!