Today was back to school day for the kids!!! We always have mixed emotions about getting back into the classrooms. Part of us says, "Yes, we are ready to get our brains thinking hard again and learning new things. And seeing our friends. And getting into better sleeping patterns." But then the other half of our brain wants to say, "But then there will be no more lazy weekday mornings, or pool days, or sleeping in big time, or having a free, open schedule." The truth is, when the time comes for school to begin, we have to get ready for it ... ready or not!!! And after Monday and Tuesday of us having extra work around the house because of being on vacation last week, I appreciated the kids helping hands but will be so grateful for a more organized home during the day!!! :))) Our Little Miss was going from one game to the next. Then from Playdoo to the doll house. And was leaving a trail of clutterness after each new event. Once I went out to the garage and was taken back. Stuff was everywhere and a mess. A little while later, I asked who dumped the waste basket in the garage? Ashlyn said, "Oh that's my trap." Well, she did go clean up all her traps after a grin. I hate a cluttered home and so I left it go as long as I could handle it because I also realized that on Wednesday, today, the kids would be back in school, leaving only Austin home with me. I do try to be grateful for the fingerprints and wall smudges and toys all over the floor because that must mean one thing ... children are in the house!!! What a gift from the Lord!!!
Busing is always something I 'have to get over'. We only live about 12 minutes from school but the children have about an hours bus ride. When I realized and told my brain that not everyone is going to have dreamy and perfect bus times because there are many of us patrons that live nearby school. So the past years we take the bus times and adjust from there. Some years I picked the children up at school in the afternoon. Sometimes we car pulled. This year, our morning time is the worst yet. I am swallowing my words and taking them to school each morning. I just can't send them on the bus SO early but yet I wanted to refuse the idea of being out the door, with a toddler, each and every morning.
I finally got Hadassah's school transportation arranged and that now eliminates me from going to the high school first and then to elementary. I was not processing all that running first thing in the morning very well!!! With just driving to one school in the morning now seems much more doable!!! Thank you Yvonne Beiler for being Hadassah's school driver!!!
Well, this morning went great!!! The kids all got up excited for school. Hadassah leaves the house before I need to take Matthew and Ashlyn. Mike stopped in at home this morning to see the children before we headed off for their first day of school! Matthew needed to take extra things because 7th & 8th grade went to Black Rock Retreat after school.
When we arrived at school, excitement was in the air. I watched Matthew head off to the school gym with his luggage. Then I walked Ashlyn inside and to her classroom. Austin was right beside her and watching every move. He totally thought he was gonna stay too. :) Ashlyn did great with finding her desk and she waved to Austin and I as we left the classroom and came back home.
It is an adjustment to having only Austin here at home with me. Last year, it was like that for only a few days a week. Now, it's going to be every day. The house was much quieter and it was fun to go back to school by lunch time to pick up our first grader again. I felt bad for making her come home alone on the bus on her first day.
The school schedule makes for a busy one. Hadassah came home today with her volleyball schedule and boy am I glad that she will have a ride on these days too!!! However, I do love to watch her play volleyball and I hope to get to most of her games!?!
Here is Matthew. He's growing up so much and we will miss him as he goes to Black Rock for the next few days. 7th grade will be another year of learning and maturing and being taught well!!! Linville Hill Christian School is doing such a good job with growing the school and providing wonderful education!!! Thank you Linville Hill!!!
Ashlyn was a bundle of excitement and nerves all at once. Going back to school and seeing her friends will be fun but going everyday will be a new change. I know there will be an adjustment of really learning and being stretched academically because that is what first grade is! She is ready to start reading and explore books. She will miss me and Austin too but I hope school will be fun enough to keep her excited!!!
And yes, Austin was along for the school adventure too. He will go along in the morning to take the children and will be my sidekick all day long!!!
These two are such good friends.
Mike giving the children a hug and saying a prayer before it was time for me to take them to school!
Matthew is off for seventh grade and some time with his class at camp! Ashlyn was ready to go see her classroom too.
Austin was a step ahead of her the whole time. Not missing a thing. Ashlyn was focused and knew right where to go.
We found her back pack hook and she put her things in her desk. A whole adventure awaits her!!!
When I told Austin that it was time to leave, he didn't want to go.
Hadassah was out the door this morning before I thought about taking a few pictures. So, we captured a few after she got back home. Her first day of tenth grade went well!!! Linville has a full high school now and with a new location, things were new for all the students! New teachers, new classrooms, new beginning and ending school time, new students, and new transportation!!! We are so blessed to have Yvonne pick up Hadassah at home each morning and bring her back home when school dismisses. This momma was SO happy when this was all arranged!!! Go for the gold Hadassah!!! Reach for the high goals and set your mind to working hard in your school work and any extra energy put towards your volleyball practises and games!!! Love you girl!!!

With three kids out of the house and back into school during the day, this will give Austin and I some one on one time together. I am looking forward to having him be my sidekick all day long. I will miss the children's help with entertaining him I'm sure that some of the chores they used to do for me, will now be given back for me to do. Like finishing up the laundry. Hadassah would often fold and help me get the laundry completed. And she would mow the yard. And like taking out the trash. Matthew was my handy, strong young man when I needed the trash bags to be taken out. And like entertaining Austin if I was busy. Ashlyn can do so much with Austin and the two of them can have a real good time together.
I need a few weeks to get back into the school rhythm and rhyme but with one day under our belts now, I am confident that we will have another great school term!!!