Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Independence Day!!!

Happy Independence Day everyone!!!  We are reflecting on our countries freedom and religious rights today!!!  I'm such a theme person and so with every holiday, I try to participate in some way!  We've got the patriotic song play list going in our home!  Matthew and I just finished listening to some YouTube documentaries about how our national anthem was inspired to be written.  We listened to the reading of our Declaration of Independence and we are just letting ourselves soak in some history about our nation!!!  I am no history buff by any means but rather embarrassed on how little I know what's going on in our country or how it even runs from day to day!!!  History was not a subject in school that I liked but I'm fully aware of that becoming an excuse for not being educated!  I would love to relearn some of our countries facts and life lessons that have been fought for through our soldiers and leaders! 

We are blessed beyond measure to live in this land of the free and home of the brave!!!  So many have lost their lives for this cause and I am grateful to all those who fought for this free nation!

We still have "in God we trust" on our currency and for that I'm grateful!!!  But I did ask myself, do I really trust God?  So much bad and wrong and sin is ramped in our nation.  America is killing babies and homes are falling apart.  Husbands are too busy for their families.  Mom's are too busy working jobs outside of the home, leaving the children with way too much idol time.  That's when the gadgets take over.  I'm preaching to myself here because it does take intentional efforts to sit down and read the kids a story.  Or to play a game of monopoly with them.  It's much easier to grab the TV remote and turn something on.  It takes energy to go outside and play some baseball.  I know, because I've turned down some of those opportunities myself.  I'm not saying that jobs are wrong!  No, I'm just saying that there is a balance!  We live in a day when our children need us parents more than ever!!!  I want to keep trying to do a better job at parenting.  First, being loyal and loving to my husband.  Being respectful for his hard work!  Then spending quality time with the children as a family!!!  Families are one of the things that make America great!!!

This was taken on Saturday night while we were out for ice cream and I love the people in the main focus and love the flag in the background!!!

We can't wait to watch the sky light up tonight with fascinating fire works!!!  We will be dressed in red, white and blue!  This holiday of July 4th is special!  Happy Birthday, America!!!