We are seeing the first signs of Spring and we could not be more happy about that!!!! The snow is all melted now and weather is slowly warming up!!! Yesterday was a beautiful day!!!! The sun was shining! The tempts were in the 50's! It really gives energy and life to my muscles when winter is on it's way out!!!
I've been reminded and convicted that exercise is a big health benefit! I know this and probably you do to but why then it is so hard to set aside 30 minutes or maybe just even 15 minutes to get in a good heart rate!?! If you grow up in a culture where I came from it requires energy on a high level! I was taught to work and to work HARD! I love this about my heritage and wish to pass it on to our children but I do find that I need to find the balance of working hard and resting. Or just not thinking it all has to be done in one day! I'm the type of person that when I get in my head that this is what I'm doing today, whether it's cleaning or laundry or out making errands, then that's what I'm going to get done! I think that's a good quality to have in a person but I'm reminded to not let that get in the way of helping others. Or putting others before myself. Including my husband and children. Not always being the "Mary" in life but also taking the good from the "Martha's" in life! Stopping to read the Word! Taking a break from my every day duties and praying. Well, this is becoming a little sermon to myself here but I want to challenge myself to grow deeper! In God and in health benefits!
I've dealt with psoriasis on my scalp ever since Mike's dad was diagnosed with cancer and passed away. Stress. Grief. These are happenings in my life that are all factors in this. I've tried different shampoos. I went to the doctor for a medicated shampoo that seemed to help a little. I've prayed for healing! I don't consider my case a bad case but it's annoying. I read the other day that probiotics are excellent for skin issues and psoriasis. To heal the gut and watch and see the benefits. So, I'm taking probiotics in hopes to see some benefits soon!
Exercising is also something I am going to do more! And if I post it here it will be a reminder and challenge to me to get out and get that walk taken. I wish so bad this would become a yearning and not a chore for me! Like I said earlier, it's not like I'm lazy on the couch all day or have no exercise in my life. No! I'm a fairly active person but there's a difference from walking around the house doing chores or getting on those running shoes and taking a run or brisk walk! The weather gets me every time with this and I also read a quote while we were in Belize that goes something like this, "If you are not exercising muscle you are losing muscle!" Instantly that put up a red flag in my mind!!!! Nobody wants to lose muscle and I know by taking one glance at my arms, legs and baby flab, I have muscles that need tightening up!!!! So, my challenge to myself is to get that extra exercise! Get determined to start with walks! Then let that lead to running and get in some miles with my running shoes! Again, the weather is starting to move from winter to spring and of course this is going to help with getting out and about more!
I also know that because spring is around the corner that alone will bring lots more outside work for me! We live on a two acre lot that has flower beds around the house, garden beds that will be worked in very soon, weeds to keep after and lots of grass to mow and keep trimmed! It will be a benefit to get my muscles stretched and toned up by just doing these jobs! That's a fun fact about spring … you get to be outside a lot more!!!!
And speaking of being outside more, it's been wonderful to have the children come home from school every day this week and play outside!!!! Ashlyn and Austin love to venture out together and the Jeep is alive again! They spend a lot of time riding this toy!
The grass doesn't look green just yet but I was out blowing the back yard yesterday. We have so many little pine branch pieces and so much "yard junk" that collects over the winter months that I blew out to the other side of the pines. When the mower is up and running, I'll mow and clean up more of the yard junk. Again, it felt wonderful to work outside and start with the beginnings of cleaning up outside around the house!
Ashlyn insisted on playing without a jacket! These two rode around the house on the jeep or then she would hop on her bike and ride that around the house. Then they would go check on the chickens! Or play with the wagon on the driveway! Meanwhile, Matthew is playing basketball non stop on the driveway! He bounces that ball and shots so many hoops in a days time! Matthew's also been hopping on the moped and taking spins on that toy! Fun, fun! And Hadassah is staying busy to school, still playing volleyball and we are looking forward to another tournament this weekend! Hadassah is also picking up some cleaning jobs! She is currently cleaning some business offices and is loving it! If you need a cleaner, please let us know! She hopes to find a few more cleaning jobs for the summer months!

I stopped by our local greenhouse the other day to just smell the potting soil and see growth happening in those greenhouses! I grabbed a bunch of seeds that Ashlyn and I will soon plant! Also, the winter décor got put away and the spring things were put out!
As soon as Ashlyn saw the pile of seed packs on the kitchen counter she wanted to divide them out! Some for her and some for me! She was so excited to know that we will be planting as soon as the ground warms up just a bit!
Rita's is open again for the season and even though we were a big fan of that "first day of spring" being the opening day for Rita's and free ice, we took advantage of them being open last Saturday! The kids loved the cotton candy ice and gummy bears while Matthew ordered a custard treat! These are all signs that spring is coming closer!
I love pussy willows and I grabbed a few fresh branches at the greenhouse and set it inside! It's an easy décor that I love to do!
We are to have "unseasonable warm" weather today and that's meaning we will be outside again!!!! Yeah!
Happy spring vibes to you! I hope this is the time of year when you can also get in some extra exercise and extra hours outside!!!!
Happy weekend!!!!