Thursday, March 21, 2019

First Day of Spring!!!

The First Day of Spring happened yesterday and I just couldn't get over how beautiful the day was and how much I look forward to this day!!!!  It gets me every time though because it's now Spring, right?  Shouldn't it then be sunny and warmer and green grass and flowers blooming and the garden planted all happen at once?  In an instant???  Reality hit me this morning because today is a chilly, rainy day outside and I'm so glad it waited to rain until today because then we would have had to stand in that long line for ice cream in the rain!!!

So many local ice cream shops had free ice cream cones on the first day of spring and we chose to go to Bird-in-Hand Café for their free sweet treat!!!  The line was out the door and around the inside of the bakery!  The line was crazy but the ice cream was good!

Since Hadassah has her drivers license, I no longer need to take the school kids to school.  They all go with her!!!  It's SO, SO nice after being the driver for many years, every morning!!!  But, on the days that Hunter goes to school, my nephew lives just a mile out the road from us, Lena picks Ashlyn up.  The upper school begins a little earlier than elementary and this gives Ashlyn some extra minutes at home before heading to school.  All this to say, when Lena picked up the kids at school today, we all met at the ice cream shop for free ice cream cones!

Lena and Bryce.

March 20 is always a date I remember so well because it's not only the first day of spring but it's my sister Jody's birthday!  And this year she turned 40!!!!!

A group of ladies from her church invited us to join in on a surprise party for her!  It was fun to surprise her and eat yummy foods!

And when you travel with my mom, you never know how it might all turn out!!!  :)))  We stopped at a greenhouse on the way home and she bought this humongous curly willow branch to put in her flower beds for the birds to sit on.  It was fun and my small bunch of curly willows are going on the front porch!!!

Happy birthday Jody!!!!!  Love being your sister!!!!

Spring is here!!!!  What a wonderful season!!!!

Happy weekend!!!