Thursday, January 2, 2020

Christmas with the Lapp Family!

The day after Christmas the Lapp family all met at mom's house for our Christmas celebration!  There are lots of December birthdays and Mom had these cute cupcakes for all the birthday children!

Mom cooked up a delicious lunch for us and then we gathered in the sun porch for some singing and gifts!  We don't pick names on this side of the family but Mom always has something for everyone.  This is a special time as she loves on each person!  We miss Dad so much at gatherings like this!!!!  Dad would be proud of his children and I wish we could play more settlers games!

We did play some games and spent the rest of day eating cookies, sipping coffee and playing basketball.  It was 9:00 PM and we started to clean up!

We decided to come home and pack up for the cabin and head straight there!  This was another great Christmas spent with the Lapp Family!!!!