Tuesday, June 9, 2020


We are happy to welcome June of 2020 and let the summer times roll!!!!  We've already made so many fun memories since the beginning of the year and we hope to make many more!  We are excited to finally be out of the "Red Phase" and into the "Yellow Phase" in our county!!!!  Governor Wolf is slowly allowing businesses to reopen and we are so excited about this!

Here we are on the way to church after so many weeks having church at home.  Twelve weeks to be exact!  It was a big change at first but we did get into the mode and watch the many YouTube messages from our Pastor Merv!  We appreciated the messages but boy does it feel good to all get dressed up and head out the door together for a real church service!

 I'm going to post some favorites of the season right now!  One is that we are starting to pick fresh strawberries from our garden.  I've never been able to grow those big, red delicous kinds for some odd reason but our smaller, red delicious berries are still yummy!  I did start some new plants this spring so many our crop will be better next summer!!!

 Another favorite is our warmer tempatures!!!!  The evenings that we spend at home are the best!  I love my garden area but I love it even more that the kids play around it and in it and love that space too!

As the sun was setting the other night, I captured these three out around the garden playing the ground is lava.  They hoped from stone to stick to whatever they could but all without touching the ground.

 The evening sun was gorgeous and I just love to have summer begin!

Another thing that I love right now is that the kids spend so much time together on the trampoline.  Other summers Austin didn't like to jump high and Ashlyn was just wanting to jump away.  This summer, they are both busy jumping!

I took these two to Rita's for the first last week!  They went in the swimsuits and loved every bite of their treat!

Sunsets are so beautiful!!!!  After a thunderstorm last week, we watched God color the sky!!!!

June is also the month where so many flowers are in bloom around here!  I have lots of roses and I filled up my dining room vases once again!

Another thing that we've actually come to really enjoy is ordering food from restaurants online.  It's the only option for right now if you want to eat out.  We ordered online, picked up the food at Red Lobster and ate it in the parking lot.  This time we invited Matt and Lena along and we had a blast!

We took our own tables and had a great time on this warm, summer night!

We ate and then headed back home for a campfire!  Matt and Lena are expecting their baby number four and they wanted to shoot the "baby bomb" and reveal to the boys (and us) the gender!  We were all excited and shouted as the bomb shot out pink smoke!  This is so exciting and after having three boys, Matt and Lena are thrilled to have a pink bundle of all things girl on the way!!!!  We are so happy for their family!!!!!

We can't wait to meet this baby girl!

Mike got a long log and started our campfire with a tunnel fire.  It was neat and so fun to watch!!!!

Campfires are one of my highlights every summer!  I love to relax by the fire and watch the wood burn.  It's peaceful!

We picked some berries from my sister in laws patch and I wish for berries like these!

Ashlyn tried the chalk and tape project today!  It turned out really neat!

 One last thing that I will share for now is this.  Does anyone else have snowboards in their shower???  Austin is all about acting out characters and after Surfs Up, he asked to take his snowboard into the shower.  The only shower that we have big enough for this is the master bathroom shower.  He had a blast in the shower jumping around his board.  He's a trip!

 Have a great week!  Stay healthy!  Enjoy these warm summer days!!!!