Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Bible School ...

Bible School at Honey Brook Community Church was such a great event!!!!  Look at the kids that joined us for Monday night!  They ended up all coming again the rest of the week!

There were so many good themes!

This year was done a little different because of COVID-19.  They split the kids in groups and went to different stations.  Our group started with the outdoor activities each night.  The boys played some kick ball with Jeremiah which was like totally awesome for them!  The girls did chalk and jump rope.

Then they moved inside and did a craft.

Don't judge, we had a car full and added Hunter to the crew on Tuesday night.  They had a total blast!!!!

One of the crafts was to paint a rock.  Jeremiah helped Austin plaster his with tons of paint!  :))))

Four Square.

Then at the end of each station was a drama scene.  This is where they learned about Paul and how when he got bitten from a poisonous snake, he didn't die.  He didn't even have swelling.  Nothing!!!!  God protected him!

After the drama was singing and then Bible Memory.  The kids had a blast every single night!!!!  Thank you Honey Brook for all your time and energy that you gave into teaching about Jesus to our children!