So much is going on in our little world with the 2020 Election still not closed and votes are being recounted. Coronavirus is still happening and we are back to hearing the numbers of cases on the radio. I really don't know what that's suppose to tell us but I try to pray for the sick and those who are being impacted. Masks are required more and more. I don't like it. I try to be kind and not complain but I try to shop at the places where there's no mask required. The holidays are coming up and I just hope nothing crazy is going to take place with all the social distancing that's required! Families are ready to gather and hug and love each other!!!! Loneliness is a real feeling and so many of the elderly around us are feeling it! Slowly, the homes around us are putting up Christmas lights and decorations! Normally, I'm preaching to myself to not put up any Christmas decor until Thanksgiving is over because there is something so important about the thanksgiving season that I want my family to remember and not rush!!!! However, Christmas brings such a fun vibe and excitement and more than ever, I'm ready to see the world around me celebrate!!!!! Celebrate Jesus!!!!! Being thankful isn't something we do just one day out of the year but every day! Christmas time is such a precious time and I'm already jamming on the fun Christmas songs as well as the soft Christmas songs that bring peace to my soul!!!!
Are you ready for the holidays? I received my new Magnolia Journal the other day! I couldn't wait to sit and read it! I also am so thankful for my bible and journal! I write so much of my feelings and happenings in these two books! The chill came and the air outside is now only going to get colder, so it's good reads like these that are wonderful to have on hand!!!!
November is the month that I have to go to Rachels Crepe's at least once for their Thanksgiving Dinner Crepe!!!! It's just so good with the whole thanksgiving meal in one big bite! Filling, turkey chunks, cranberry relish and gravy are all wrapped together and I was so excited to go with Sherry to get one of these the other day! I did grab a pumpkin cheesecake crepe to to go and it was so yummy as well!
We got here just in time because the next day, Rachels closed for indoor seating and are only doing take outs because of the coronavirus numbers rising. Crazy.
Little Miss got some new clothes the other day when I dropped by Carters to grab some leggings for her. All their holiday clothes are so cute and festive and I just grabbed some other items that Ashlyn needed while I was there! Let's bring on the holidays!
Mike and I were doing so good getting our date nights in but boy the last while it's just been other things or just deciding to be at home! Mike loves to eat at nice restaurants and he also really needs some new clothes in his wardrobe! We make a quick stop at the new Agape Grill and Cafe before heading to the mall! The food was great! The mall had some of what Mike was looking for but they closed too early and we had to leave. I love nights out with my man!!!!!
Looking out my house windows, the trees are now mostly barren. The wind took the rest of the leaves off and we are now looking more like winter outside. I do wish to mow the lawn at least one more time because our warmer tempts last week has the grass needing to be cut again. The garden is still waiting for some mushroom mulch because I forgot to do this fall chore. Last year, I declared it helped my soil so much!!!!! Maybe this will get accomplished on Saturday!?!
Thanksgiving is coming and I made a list the other day by going through photos of our 2020 year so far! I wrote down things like "our family Florida vacation back before we knew anything of COVID 19", toilet paper, memories at home every night, no more after school sports, HEALTH, family to live with, ZOOM, school at home and now back again in session at school, church at home and now again back in the sanctuary!!!! SO MANY THINGS have happened through 2020 that it's crazy, absolutely crazy to comprehend at times. I am so very thankful that God is still God and my prayer life got better and my bible reading got more personal and worship took on a new level!!!! The times when I still have so many questions, I try to not worry and turn them into prayer requests to my Jesus that loves me!!!!!

This 2020 holiday season I really want to take some extra time to bless others around me!!!! To send a greeting to a friend that's lonely! To sing carols to the elderly! To really feel grateful for all my blessings!!!!! Even in our crazy little world, we can spread cheer to others around us!!!!!
Happy holidays!!!!