Friday, November 13, 2020

Election of 2020.

Election Day.  Just add this to our year of 2020 and you have a mixture of emotions and trust and possible fraud and still no outcome!  I have voted and am thankful for a voice even though I'm not a politician or know a whole lot about politics.  I do know my beliefs and values and I'm sad to have this 2020 Election be such a drawn out affair because of having to do such recounting.  Honesty here friends!!!!  Let's get some results!

I'm not one to watch much news because usually it's not very uplifting in our day in age.  It's hard to know what to believe or who to trust.  I know that it's much better to talk to God about this election than be glued to tube!!!!

This was me the other day when I was looking up the news to see any results.  God be with this dear nation!!!!

I feel so blessed to be a citizen of a free country and one that's been founded on Godly principles.  Our faith today seems to be on the line and I think it's time for the church of God to rise up!  We need to proclaim God's goodness!  God's grace!  His salvation!  

Our nation needs more of God!  We need His Spirit to flood us with wisdom!  COVID-19 is on the rise again and that too is all over the news.  Masks are required most everywhere you go these days.  I cringe to think of how the holiday season will be for those who are still full of fear and are hurting from loneliness!  

Election Day came and went.  So many people stood in long lines to cast their one vote and now we wait for results.  God be with us!!!!