Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Track and Field Day!

 The ending of school is drawing nearer for this 2020/2021 school term and it's crazy how fast it went!  We are beyond blessed to be in school with teachers in person teaching and helping these children learn - all mask free!!!!!

Kindergarten had a Mother's Day Tea time for moms to come to the classroom and have some tea and snacks with our scholar!  I love moments like these and really am proud of Austin and how he did well in his first year of school!  Mrs. Matherly was an excellent teacher with Mrs. Glick following right behind her!  I love this school!

Track and Field Day was next.  Austin was on the yellow team and Ashlyn was on red.  Both of them participated with the relay/team games in the morning.  The sun was shining but it was chilly.  Anything is better than ran though on a day like this so are grateful!

After lunch, we moved down to the track grounds and I watched Ashlyn run, throw softball and jump long jump!  I love days at school like these and the children were so tired when we finally got back home!  This was a fun day with our school family!

This was on my birthday and when I got home from this fun day at school, my mom and sister had gifts on the bar for me!  I'm so blessed!

We also went out to eat as a family to celebrate and my day was so rich and full of goodness!