Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Father's Day!

Father's Day is always a special day for Mike!  I try to give him the "day off" and just relax!  The littles made cards for him and it was so sweet to see Mike read them!


"Everyone on the front porch!"

I love these people so much!!!!!

They love their dad and respect him!  Mike is intentional with each one!  Hadassah is busy planning her wedding but Jeremiah made reservations for them to eat at PF Changs together.  Just Mike and Hadassah.  They loved this night out!  Matthew works at the shop for Mike but he really loves his one on one time with his dad!  Most evenings, they end the day in the basement watching basketball, golf or right now hockey playoffs!  Ashlyn is all butterflies when Mike takes her on moped or fourwheeler rides!  Austin wants to through ball,  toss a football or shot nerf gun darts around with his dad!  They all love his time and attention!!!!  Mike is the best father to each one of these!

We went to church.  Relaxed at home.  Mike got some time to golf and then we met my family at my parents house for a Father's Day cookout!  I sent a text out saying that it's Bible School week and beginning Sunday night.  Mike and I drove two vehicles full of Bible School children to church!  It was a total blast watching them hop out of the Yukon and be excited for Bible School.

This is my crew and Mike was in front of me with his load!  :)))  

We got everyone checked in and then we went back to my parents until Bible School was over.  The weekend was another weekend of rich memories made!  Summer of 2021 is one I may never forget!!!!

Lapp Cabin Vacation.

The Lapp Family does a family summer vacation every year and we've been enjoying this lovely cabin for many years now!!!  It didn't suit everyone but for those of us that went, we had fun!  Three days of warm sunshine, sitting pool side and eating good food is just what my wedding filled mind needed!  We took a short wedding break and enjoyed family and the outdoors!

Little Miss Zayla is just the sweetest baby!!!!  She loves Ashlyn and is just adorable!!!!!

We missed the older kids SO MUCH!  Last year, Hadassah, Jeremiah and Matthew went along.  This time it didn't suit some of the older cousins and Hadassah and Jere were thinking and doing wedding things!  While we were at the cabin they were picking up furniture and putting it in their apartment.  Matthew stayed home and worked because his older cousin friends didn't go this year either.  Teens and older kids add so much to the fun and we missed them.  We did send a picture of Austin holding this frog to Jeremiah and Matthew because last year they went frog hunting at night at this cabin.  Fun times!

This cabin has the best outdoor kitchen and a perfect place to eat!  Adrian and Austin, along with James and Javon did a lot of swimming together!  I'm bummed that I didn't get a group picture of the boys.  James and Javon hit a bunch of golf balls out over the grass one day!

This pool is a highlight each year!

The little people are just cute as ever!  Bryce and Jerome are so cute!  Jerome thought he was big stuff with Austins shoes on!   

Campfires are always fun!  We spent two nights in a row here!

It was time to pack up and leave this beautiful cabin and we headed home to mow the grass and then enjoy some fireworks that our home town was going to put off at dusk!  

Another Lapp Family Vacation is in our memory banks and our summer memories will continue!

Getting ready for Hadassah's big day!!!!

Wedding day is coming and we are helping Hadassah move things into the apartment where they will live.  The littles went along with me and Ashlyn helped wipe out kitchen cabinets while Hadassah and I carried some boxes inside! 

We are excited for this wedding and moving but it's a lot to "do"!  Every day there is something I help Hadassah with and even though things are lining up well, Hadassah did have moments of feeling overwhelmed.  It's now decisions that she needs to make and not me.  It's now time for her to pack up her things and not me.  Hadassah is doing a good job and her day will be beautiful!

When we are not thinking about wedding, the kids love to do "Art Hub for kids"!  It's on YouTube and every day there's a new art to draw.  It takes you step by step and the family that leads this is funny and makes art a fun experience.  Ashlyn and Austin have drawn so many pictures of animals and seasonal things (like snowmen, snowflakes, rainbows, tulips, flags, etc..)

I made them a honeydew mint drink to sip on while drawing a lion.

I still want to learn more about sourdough but I just don't have the time right now to play around with recipes, however, my friends tell me sourdough waffles are wonderful!  The recipe looked simple and so I did whip up a batch of these and they were good!  What I've learned so far is that I have to remember the night before to mix my dough so we can have fresh, hot bread the next day.  If I forget, we need to wait until the next day.  I hope to experience in sourdough a bit more after the the wedding plans are off my mind!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!  Jeremiah moved out of his home and into the apartment in April.  Prior to this, Hadassah would often come home from cleaning, shower and maybe grab a bite to eat with us and then head to Jeremiah's house.  That's where they spent a lot of time and the Petersheims loved it and got to see them a lot.  But, when Jeremiah moved closer to our home in April, it was our turn to see them A LOT MORE!!!!  And boy did we enjoy that!!!!!  Almost every night they ate supper with us!  Our table was set for seven often!  Mike and I loved it!  It made meal time a fun time to catch up on our day, hear from the teens and laugh with the littles!  It was the perfect time to make great memories!  Often, Hadassah and Jere would have evening plans but sometimes they just stayed here with us!  Jere shot his bow and arrows in the back lawn while Hadassah sat and watched him.  (Such love birds!).  We watched sunsets together on the back porch while making wedding plans!  This night, it was roasting marshmallows around the campfire.  Jere does so good at including Austin and Matthew in his life!

I told myself that I am not going to think "pool life" until after the wedding!  I'm grateful the wedding is in the beginning of summer and not the end!  🙂. I hoped we would still get summer tans before the big day but the Club Pool isn't open yet and still under new construction and I just knew to not make this a priority!  But when my mom sent out a group text asking if anyone wants to join her at Nickle Mines Pool for the day, I bit for it!  Mim and Jody joined the fun to and we had a good time!

These are very precious children!!!!!

These girls just love to be together!

And the boys, what a blast!

Here's another favorite!!!!!  The sky was showing God's beauty!  Jeremiah's new bow is on the ground!  Mike and I walked out to watch and chat while he shot arrows and Hadassah wanted a picture with her dad!  Love these two with all my heart!!!!!

We adjusted so well when school left out!  The best ever!  Normally, it's breakfast a couple different times because the kids sleep in and they wake up at different times.  Then it's one mess after the next and the kitchen always has dirty dishes in the sink.  But this year, it just seemed to go better!  Maybe it's because the older kids have full time jobs!?!  Maybe it's because they are growing up?  But then there was this day where things just seemed to everywhere!  Take a look at this desk!  Ashlyn made a summer bucket list which is adorable and after some organizing, the house did get back in order!  We do really love summer time!

Midst the wedding plans, the garden is doing well!  Cabbage is ready!  We've got lots of kale.  Peppers are just ripening and the strawberries are not over.

Summer of 2021 is going to be packed with fun memories and we are just in the beginning a great summer!  Stay tuned for lots more wedding and summer memories coming on the blog soon!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Fete en blanc!!!!

 We attended an ALL WHITE party last week and again, we loved it!!!!  It was called FETE EN BLANC AT INGLEWOOD!  Ben and Clarita Yoder hosted this event as a fundraiser for Orphan Resources International and North Star Initiative.

We hoped for a dry, warm summer night but just as we arrived, so did a thunderstorm!  Thankfully the Lord only left down pour for a little while!  Mike and I both had umbrellas but we still stood under the trees until the rain passed by.  We were grateful that we hadn't set up any food as of yet!

This is the second time we attended an all white party!  Same clothes, same smiles!  :))). We purchased a set of tickets which was sold in lots of four!  We also bought a basket that had special foods inside.  Mike and I invited Brandon and Bethany to join us!  They grabbed their main meal at Agape and we stopped by Chipotle for Mexican take outs!  After the rain, we set up table, ate our foods and enjoyed coffee from Fireside and they offered ice cream from Penny's.  The night turned out to be beautiful!   

Waiting for the rain to leave!

They had a white napkin wave to start off the evening!

Mike dropped me off and then parked when we arrived.  He gave JR one of our umbrellas when it started to rain and they ended up chatting at the end of the evening!

I love this man that dates me ALOT!!!!  We try to get out together, just him and I, often and nights like this are so special to me!  I love a themed party!

Summer memories like these are the best with my handsome husband!!!!!  I love you BABE!