Saturday, June 12, 2021

June ~ wedding month.


The month of June is here and that means we have our minds set on wedding and summer!!!  Here some things that we've been doing so far this month!

We had trees planted between us and our new neighbors.  

My mom came over and helped me make 9 batches of strawberry jelly for us and the upcoming wedding couple!

Strawberry Shortcake is on repeat these days!

Someone loved the jelly on some warm sourdough bread!

The kids went with me to Suz's berry patch and we picked two big bowls of berries and came home to make jelly!  We had plenty of berries and made so much jelly!

My mom also came with all of these berries she picked up to make jelly for Jason's.  We were making jelly all afternoon!

I absolutely love when I can cut flowers from the gardens and bring them inside!!!!!

I bought a pool the other week and the kids blew it up with the blower!  It actually worked!

We filled it with water and they have been having a blast in it!  Felecia was here the other day and got to swim with them!

Then Lena and her children came over and got wet!  The boys were trying to see who can stay in the water the longest.  The warm sunshine feels so good!  And, the hydrangeas are just starting to bloom!!!!

Shakia was at our house the beginning of last week and when we went to drop off her clothes, we were awed at this beautiful wild flower field right by their driveway!  So, so pretty!

June is the beginning of all things summer!  We have a wedding to finish planning and we are praying for a beautiful day!  The swimming at home has begun!  The garden is thriving and I have cabbage ready to pick!  The grass is green again after some dry weeks in May!  The cornfields that surround our property are loving the thunderstorms and rains we've had last week!  That always makes the corn grow so well!  Matthew is working at Lapp Structures with his dad!  This is the first summer that we transitioned from school to summer mode so easily!  Most times it seems like I make breakfast three times a morning and I'm always looking for something for the older ones to do.  But this year, it went so well!  Hadassah is busy cleaning, Matthew is at the shop and its the littles and me at home!  I love it!

Summer sports have me driving here and there too!  Matthew is in a summer basketball league and playing golf.  He will be ready to do his own driving after his July birthday coming up!

Summer is so sweet and always flies by so fast!  I'm going to try to treasure the moments and not think too much of our oldest soon moving out!  That's emotional but I think it's going to be sweet!  We are gaining not losing!

Welcome sweet summertime!!!