All last week we had rainy, cold weather. This kind of weather makes me wonder if Spring, the warm Spring weather that we love so much, will ever come??? It "seems" so long since we had warm days!
And then ...
Austin was sick all week too and we prayed so much that God would take away his belly ache and that he would stop throwing up and feel well! Sunday morning, he woke up not well. He laid on the couch ALL WEEK LONG! I felt so bad for him. No school until Friday. And then he was feeling better but still tired. He made it through the day but the minute he was home, he curled up on the couch and slept. The day exhausted him. He was feeling SO MUCH better on Saturday and he's been eating us out of the house ever since! Thank you Jesus that Austin is well again!
I loved how each of the children expressed care and concern for Austin when he was sick. Ashlyn would wake up each morning asking if Austin is going to school today? Matthew would come home each day after school and go straight to the couch and check up on how Austin was feeling. Hadassah texted or called each day asking if he's well yet. Mike and I took turns sitting with Austin and caring for him. I read him books and we watched some Lion King together. I tried to make the best of it all week but I was so ready to have our Little Man well! Thursday, Austin was finally on the mend and Ashlyn started helping him with some school papers.
Such great family!!!!!
Spring is so pretty but it can be still cold and rainy! I'm so ready for the weather to get warmer, the sun to shine nonstop and let the kids play outdoors more!
We are so blessed to have complete health back to our family, pretty blooms all around and a church to celebrate the Easter Season with! There's much to read, pray about, think through with the Easter Story and I hope to do all of these with the kids and family all week!
Happy Spring!