Monday, August 29, 2022

Baptism for Matthew and Ashlyn!

At the beginning of the summer, Matthew and Ashlyn both said they would like to get baptized at the next baptism at church!  This is the best decision anyone could make and Mike and I were blessed over and over again to watch these two go through the baptism classes Sunday morning, write out their testimonies, share them with the class and publicly and then get baptized in a pond!!!

It was a gorgeous, hot day!  Nine people were in the class and all nine got baptized! 

Each person shared their testimony before getting baptized!

We are so proud of her!!!  Go be a world changer Ashlyn!!!  You are a child of God!!!!

We gave her a necklace that says, "You are a child of God."  She wore that and her strong/confidence shirt!

Matthew shared his testimony and he enjoyed the classes with the baptism class and we are so proud of the choices he is making as a young man!!!  We love you Matt and are just so proud of you!  Follow God's leading and you will be a world changer!  

"I have decided to follow to Jesus!  No turning back, no turning back!"

We had supper on the farm with our church family and with our family that attended the baptism.

"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9

This is such a celebration for our family!  May God get all the glory!