December is going by so fast that I didn't realize how behind I am on the blog. It's always fun to catch up so here you go!
I wrote out a Christmas letter the other week and I just let me thoughts and hands think and type! It ended up being four pages long but with some editing and small print I got it down to two pages!!!! We've got them printed, stuffed and sent out to family and friends!
We've been busy with basketball games! We love it!!!!! The season began and we have only missed one game so far because of a banquet. Even then we were able to check scores online while the game was played! It's so fun watching these guys play again!
After doing school, Ashlyn asked to make and decorate gingerbread houses. They both picked out a house online and printed it out as a guideline. They hot glued graham crackers together to make a house. They we used icing for the candies and decorations. They loved it!

And I hopped on the mower one last time for the year.
I got a call from school saying that while they were practicing for the school play, Austin got all white, sweaty and didn't look good. I was to pick him up. I thought of stage freight but I picked him but and he was fine. A few days later, he did have the headache bug and was home for three days. It didn't knock him down totally but just didn't feel well! In between lying on the couch, he helped me stamp cards!
The gifts are wrapped and under the tree!
The weather outside is really feeling like winter! It feels so good to be inside and lite some candles.
The Upper School gave their program the following week and I loved the bells the best!
Stay warm!