Friday, January 13, 2023


 We are flying through January with still no snow.  It's been fairly mild weather to around our home.  

January is usually the month when I declutter and go from room to room to clean out closets, drawers, etc..  I've not gotten started with that project yet because we've been on the move with basketball practices and games and life.  I hope to start this next week!?!

We are back to routine!  That's like good medicine to me!  I like normal.  I like normal routine.  I love vacations, school breaks and long weekends but it does come time to get back to real life!  I'm ready.

I made my first long loaf sourdough bread last week.  Hadassah gave me a loaf pan for Christmas and I couldn't wait to bake with it!  It turned out wonderful!

I also baked a round loaf with cheddar cheese and oregano!  It was good but need to perfect the cheese in it better!

Basketball is in full swing and we are loving it!!!!  This is Matthew's last year with playing in high school because he's a senior and we are making the best memories!

And I gazed at the Christmas tree one last time before Matthew hauled it out of the living room.  This was a large, pretty tree!  It didn't dry out near as fast this year and was still so pretty.  It was only dropping a few needles but it was time to rid of it.  Until next year ...

Austin had his first basketball practice and game!  He did great and loved it!  It's so fun to watch him and Adrian play on the same team!  Go Donkey Kong!

New shirts and jerseys are always exciting!!!!

Mike and Matthew bought a muscle car the other week and have been working hard on it!  It got towed here because it didn't run.  So much of it needs fixed and repaired.  They are having fun and getting to one piece at a time!  On Saturday, they got the car to start and they were so excited to take it around the block and fill it with gas!  There's much to fix on this old car yet but it's time spent together doing something they both love.  I now have a full garage with oil cans lying around but the boys are having fun!

Each game is different.  Some teams hover over us and the next team we are big boys.  It's just a blast!  Coach told us that he might not play Matthew for this game because Matthew's been having some knee trouble.  Well, Matthew was there to play and ended up playing all but the last two minutes of the game.  I love this kid!

So much basketball growth happened because of this coaching team!

We made a doctor appointment to schedule an MRI for Matt's knee.  It's been hurting and giving him issues and it's good to know if he should keep working it or rest it.  The MRI results showed three different issues but nothing too serious.  Matthew can still play and then after the season we will work on strengthening the weak knee!

Matthew had to change into a hospital gown and lay still for 45 minutes in the machine.  It all went well and did fine but when we were getting ready to leave, he said, "Boy, I just don't like this doctors and nurses thing.  Let's get out of here!"  We have been so blessed and having healthy bodies and an energetic family is so much to be thankful for!!!!

January is usually the month to slow down and watch it snow.  I hope it does snow soon!  I'd love that!  And the slowing down part is still to come!  I helped with hot lunch on Wednesday and Lena and I made eight huge pans of lasagna on Tuesday.  There seems to always be something on my calendar!

Stay warm!