Friday, March 31, 2023

Sweet 12 years old.

 Someone special has a birthday!!!!  Ashlyn is 12!  

Ashlyn says she wants to grow up and be a teacher someday.  She asked one of her favorite teachers how many years of college it takes to get a teachers degree and how much it costs?  She told me she thinks being a vet would be fun.  And a mom.  She giggled as she also said that sometimes she thinks she talks too much.  Then she had me giggling!  She loves strawberries and watermelon.  She begs for an outside dog or any kind of animal.  She's helpful, a good friend and is looking forward to summer time.

I bought a pack of candles for her special day but could not find them anywhere!  When I thought about going out to buy some more, I remembered that they may have been with the plates I also purchased.  Yep, I found them!  She just chuckled when I had to serve her her breakfast with only four yellow candles because I couldn't find the cute cnadles.  ğŸ˜‚

Off to school.

But not before opening up some gifts we got for her!

She shares a birthday with Dr. Hurst and was treated to a special drink from Lena and cupcakes at school.

I grabbed some fruit desserts from Sarah thinking I would serve them for dessert after supper!  I decided to also bake a cake for Ashlyn because I knew the boys wouldn't be all over the fruit meringue!  I was about to make a quick trip to the store to buy another pack of candles (because I couldn't find the special candles I bought the other day) but then I remembered I also bought some birthday plates!  Yep, I found them where I store our paper supplies!

We ate supper at home.  We plan to do a fun family outing soon to celebrate Ashlyn but Austin had his first baseball practice and Matthew had a senior packing event he could not miss for their upcoming senior trip!

She liked the 12 candles! 😂

We spied on the boys at baseball practice and then stopped in to check up on the packing party!  I just love how she follows me around and talks non stop!  Ashlyn is fun to be around!

Happy Birthday, Ashlyn!!!  We love you so, so very much!