Wow, July is here! This is a really busy month for us! We've got lots of events on our calendar! Fireworks, celebrations and cabin trips!!! We are super excited for it all!!!!
The men always have some sort of project going on. Today, the wood shed got restocked!
Jeremiah was working on his food plot and Ty and John Mike were helping him!
While the men worked, the children played!!!!
Plans were to head to Gelton to watch the fireworks on Saturday night. When we mapped it out, it was too far, the weather wasn't looking great and we decided to stay at the cabin to play games and enjoy the glow sticks in the dark! So funny!!!!
Days spent at the cabin are always the best!!!! We relax, we work, we play, we eat well and stay up late! It's the best life!!!!!
We drove ahead of a rain storm on the way home. We followed the rainbow for miles! I don't ever remembering seeing it rest on our house before! We are so blessed!