Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September is here! 🍂


Septemer is here and I am so excited for it!  It seems like one month just rolls into the next month these days but September is my favorite month of the year and it's been so pretty outside!  The skies are so blue!  The weather is chilly in the morning and evening but balmy warm in the afternoon.  The outdoor flower pots are stunning and showing off their beauty before frost arrives.  The windows are open instead of the AC running.  The fireplace is turned on in the morning as the kids get ready for school just to warm up the kitchen area!  We've also been stacking up the wood in the fireplace on the back porch and we are finding ourselves pulling in closer to the heat while we watch the Phillies on the porch!  We've been enjoying hot apple cider and the apple scented candle in the kitchen is filling the house with a fall feel scent!  I just love it!!!!!! 

While hearing the two boys and Mike in the back yard hunting for doves had me also gazing into the dusk sky.  I just know that someday soon I'll look back and remember these good old days!

They propped a ladder against the back porch and climbed up to the roof.  They sat in camouflage clothes and waited quietly for doves to perch in the pine trees.  Austin was so excited for this and Matthew and Mike were all about it!  They ended up with nine dead birds that they cleaned and stored the dove breasts in a bowl of salt water until they fry them up.  Good memories right here! 

And here is where we spend all our evenings and now with the fireplace lite for some warmth, it's extra magical!  We have really loved this space all summer and watching the Phillies out here is the best!  Football begins tomorrow and you better believe it that we will be right here, all snuggled together, watching those Chiefs play their first game!!!!  So fun!

This view never gets old and watching the seasons change while walking in the park has been so beautiful!  Linda and I have been walking here for almost two years now and we are proud of how we keep on going.  If it doesn't suit, we just pick it up again the next day.  No stress.  Just getting in the exercise when we can!  This tree glows golden yellow in the fall time and I can't wait to witness it again this autumn!

Yep, the small of warm pumpkin and cinnamon filled the kitchen today as I baked the first batch of these Pumpkin Cream Cheese Cupcakes!  They are a favorite!

After hunting doves, Matthew and Daisy relaxed on the back porch!  I love it!

September is a full month of back to school days and many school events!  September is the month of apple and pumpkin flavors!  The smell of cinnamon because alive!  It's when I buy some pumpkins for the front porch and display fall decorations in the house.  The garden grows another pack of radishes and tender butter crunch lettuce is grown once again!  It's baseball and football games to watch!  It's volleyball games to cheer at for the middle schooler!  It's time for blankets and sweaters!  I'm almost finished reading through the Old Testament and then gonna go through the New Testament yet before the end of the year!  Hot apple cider, please!  There are many, many things I could add to this list of my favorites and I am hear for it all!!!!!  

Happy September and enjoy all those pumpkin flavors with me!