We welcome December and all the festivities that come with this special month!!!!! December is the month of many programs, banquets, gatherings, parties, celebrations and it's all because Jesus was born!!!!!
The radio is playing Christmas songs! The stores are full of Christmas decorations! Our little hometown is twinkling from all the lights that are hung and I just love it!!!!!
Christmas is the best holiday of all and Austin is especially excited about it this year! There's much to do before that Christmas Day but we are remembering to celebrate a Christmas that Jesus is the reason for the season!
The skies are so beautiful just before dark!

Basketball season has begun and Mike is on that coaching bench once again!
You better believe it that Matthew and Tim are right by coaches side laughing before game time!
The Christmas tree is set in place. It needs all the ornaments and decorations yet but it's a start!
We love to see the blue birds show up!!!!
We planned a ladies shopping day with the Riehl's and this year Hadassah, Daisy, Nata and Morgan joined the fun!!!! We laughed and shopped and just had the best time!!!!!
School projects are for the kids to figure out and do but sometimes it takes a mom's help to make breadsticks! Ashlyn's project was a bit stressful till we got it figured out but she did a good job.
Terrian is a lovely place to eat dinner with our small group ladies! Christmas is here and so are many gatherings like this!
Austins art work at home.
Ashlyn got glasses and she looks great!!!!
Candles are lit and the twinkles are glowing in the dark! I love when candles fill the rooms in the house!
We added lots of ornaments to the tree and now we need some wrapped gifts under the tree!
Austin has been begging to hang Christmas lights on the front porch and when I saw this saying, I laughed! I wonder what Loopys would say about this!!!!
Every year I make a run to Produce Junction to grab some fresh wreaths for church! Mike mets me at church and helps hang them on the windows. This adds a beautiful festive look to the inside of our church!!!!!
The kids are needing to bundle up more for school! Today is was jackets and beanies!!!! Winter is coming!
The Warriors have another great team and it's going to be so fun watching these young men play!!!!!
Photo's I find on my phone!!!!!!
It's always a big deal with who's turn it is to hang the star on the tree!!!!!
This is proof for next year that it's Austin's turn!
The first weekend in December we did our annual family walk through our small town! It's so pretty and festive and we had the best time once again!
We love waking through Kitchen Kettle and we always make a stop at E & A Candies.
Kens Gardens is a beautiful greenhouse in town and they had a craft of tic tac toe for the kids to do!
I love these people so much!!!!!!
We tease Austin that he looks like Kevin on HomeAlone.
Another favorite is the leather shop and we all knew Austin would have his UGGs picked out for us to buy! The library had some of Lapp Structures shed for individual merchants to sell some products and there were also food trucks. The hot dogs were delicious!
We came back home and Matthew and Daisy went to work on their house remodeling a bit. Jeremiah and Hadassah went home for the puppies and then everyone came back here again to do some chocolates and watch movies!
This first week of December was lovely!!!!! Christmas is coming!