Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Second week of December.

 This is "the week".  It's time to get some gifts wrapped and under the tree.

It's time to fill some stockings!

It's time to get festive inside and outside.

It's time to finish up the Christmas letter and stuff envelopes!

All done with Christmas music blaring and hot coffee!

We had a fun ladies wreath making event at church!  Many came out for the fun and we made lots of fresh wreaths!

I turned mine into a centerpiece.  And those festive coffee drinks at Latte Luv are tasty!

School programs have begun!!!!

I made a visit to see Mommy D!  She opened the card I gave to her and she was sweet and mentioned Austin's name!  We love you Mommy D!!!!

Finished a puzzle and now we are ready for a Christmas puzzle!

I laughed to tears one morning as I looked at the tree and noticed that the star was missing.  Where did it go?  Do you see it????

And someone is very excited about Christmas and is counting down the days!!!!!

I love this kid!!!!!!

All ready to send out with love!!!!!!

Christmas is coming!!!!!