Today, I am 3 weeks old. It's quit different outside of mom's tight, warm womb, but I am adjusting. I like when I am wrapped tight in a blanket and held close to mom's chest! It makes me feel so safe and warm! Even though I am only 24 days old, my world has been busy. (Rather mom has been kept busy.) I like to be fed about every 3 hours. It don't take me too long to drink my 3 ounces of simalac. Burp. Diaper change! Mom seems to have a routine by now and I love the way she cares for me! I am still waking up through the night for feedings and mom is really looking forwards to me sleeping all night! I want to ... but I need all the nutrients of that formula to keep my little body growing! Hopefully, in a few weeks I will surprise mom and sleep straight through the 2:30 AM feeding!!!!
I am being more alert. I notice lights & respond to sounds. I smile. Not nearly every time someone talks to me but when I think they need a smile in return! I love my nuk!
Here I am at 3 weeks old!!!