Thursday, April 7, 2011


Wow, my past week has gone by so quickly and I have so much to share!  Here's a little of what's been going on around our home.

Mothering for me is very time consuming right now!!!  I kept thinking the past few days that I should do another post, but time always got away.  I am still in the healing process and still see a difference as each day goes past.  Getting up and around is a lot better but I am still weak and after getting the kids off to school and washing the breakfast dishes, I am ready to sit down!  I am trying to every day praise the Lord for all his wonderful blessings and all he has given to my family!  "Real Life" is not pain free.  It is not without struggles.  It is not without things going 'not as I want them to at all times'.  Healing from surgery and still having all the other demands that a mom has, I find strength in Jesus to face only one day at a time!

Ashlyn is one week old already!!!  She is doing so good!  I am enjoying the holding, bonding, and looking into her blue eyes!  (I have this thing about blue eyes!  I love them!  Mike's got gorgeous blue eyes and starting with my first pregnancy, I would say each time, "Well, I really hope this baby has it's daddy's blue eyes!"  Hadassah and Matthew were both born with beautiful dark brown eyes.  Guess what?  So far, Ashlyn's got the blue eyes!!!  Yes!)  She is doing great with her feedings and is content.
First bath ...
Burping time ...
First Sunday ...
Sister Time ...

1 Week Old!!! 
I love this little onesie!  It was a gift and I thought how fitting to wear it at one week old!  Hadassah and Matthew are seeming to adjust having baby around and not me always able to be at their beckon call. 
They both love and adore her so much!