Monday, November 14, 2011

Off to the cabin ...

We went to the cabin!!!

The kids put this note together before they left on Thursday!  Cute.

The kids didn't have school last Wednesday till today.  It was MACSA for the teachers and so we packed up all our things we needed to take along and headed for Clearfield.  Actually, Hadassah left Thursday at lunch with my parents and Morgan.  Matthew left at 1:30 PM with my brother John Micheal and Mim and Jody's boys.  They spent the night at the cabin.  Mike, Ashlyn and I left for the mountains Friday at lunch.  It was a crazy week with helping prepare for a wedding, the wedding day, clean up, family from Florida around and because this caused some day's off of work for Mike, we didn't leave till Friday for the cabin.  It was a nice drive and Ashlyn did great on the road! 

My whole family was up from Thursday night till Sunday.  (Well, not really.  Jason and Mindy needed to come home early because Shakia was still not feeling the best and needed to see a doctor.  She's got these horrible lip blisters that the doctors are saying "it just needs to take it's course and there's nothing they can really do to help her".  Shakia wasn't drinking her bottle well - don't blame her really!!!  I couldn't drink either if my lips were all blistered up!  They came home and took her to the hospital hoping that she wasn't dehydrated again.  They gave her some pedialite and an ointment for her sore lips.  We missed Jason's not being able to be with us the whole weekend, but we want Shakia to get well too!  Join us in praying that her lips will heal quickly and that she can be a content baby girl again for Mindy!!!)

Mom and Dad have a very small cabin in Clearfield and we packed the thing out completely!!!  Dad built a pole barn a few years ago and put some bathrooms and bedrooms in there.  That is where we slept but still during the day we were all packed in the cabin.  It was a fun time!  We played some good games of hoss, the kids watched some videos, toys were sprawled over the floor, the cupboards were filled with snacks, and the guys were out hunting in the mornings and evenings! 

Ashlyn did so good up there!!!  She took long naps in our tiny room.  I had relaxing music playing softly in the room to drown out any noise that was around her!  She loved the attention from all her cousins and the twins were always making sure she had a toy!  I went out for a 2 mile run and Jody was watching Ashlyn.  (Well, I thought she was watching her!)  When I got back, Ashlyn had this bump and nasty looking bruise on the tip of her nose.  She was sitting on a chair and Jody was watching her and was right there with her.  Jody went over to the kitchen counter to get something and Ashlyn fell off her chair.  She bumped the table on her way down.  She cried but it didn't take too long to have her smiling again.  Her little nose now has a scab! 

Matthew had a blast with Ryan and Tyler!  He took his sling shot along!  They put some Lego's together.  He helped stack some wood.  He loved all the candy that Mommy had along!  Yesterday morning he woke up with some small dot's on his face and around his nose.  He's got a cold so I'm not sure if it's from that or maybe from all the candy he's been eating??? 

Hadassah and Morgan always have a good time together!  They always start a weekend like this with painting their nails, wearing their alike pj's, and doing some kind of craft together.  This time they did some painting and played with their "pet's" Mommy bought them at Walmart. 

Riding the golf cart is fun for all the kids up there.  One time Ryan came flying in the lane, made a fast circle and finally came to a stop when he turned the key off.  The gas pedal got stuck!!!!

Dad shot a broken tine 8 point!!!  He was the only one that shot a deer up there this time and he was proud of his accomplishment!  This is his second archery deer ever for PA.  Good job dad!  The kids helped bring it back to the cabin and watched as dad hung it up and skinned it.  It's always exciting when someone shots a deer.  (Poor Megan kept saying, "Don't let the deer come in the cabin!!!")

We were all glad to be back home and back to our own beds!  We picked Ginger up at Lena's (thanks Lena and Ruth for watching her for us!).  Ginger was glad to be back with us too!  She always misses Hadassah when she's not around!

Now it's back to "Real Life" for me.  The kids are off to school.  The washer and dryer have been running since 6:30 this morning and it will be an all day laundry day for me because of all the extra laundry from the weekend. 

Have a great sunny Monday!