Tuesday, December 20, 2011

*** 5 More Days ***

*** 5 Days Till Christmas ***

(Turn off the blog music before listening to this song.)

A praise report ... Hadassah and Ashlyn are doing much better with not coughing!!!  Ashlyn had a good night and she seems to be her happy self again!!!  Thank you for caring and praying!!!  Thank you Jesus!!!

When I woke Matthew up this morning for school, he groaned and wanted to stay in bed!  Even after 10 hours of rest, he was still tired!!!  (He takes after his mom and loves all that sleep and rest!!!)  When I told him he has school and that after Thursday, they have a 10 day school break, he smiled!!!  He is really doing good in school and is reading a lot more!!!  The Christmas Vacation sounded good to him though.  He was up and dressed in no time.  (This is a rare occasion because it seems like I have to tell him 3 times to get dressed, 3 times to brush his teeth, 3 times to get his shoes on, etc.!!!  We are working on improving this and this morning he was proud to say he was dressed and ready for school before it was even morning time.  Smile.  It was dark outside this morning longer than usual and he thought he was really doing it.  I nicely told him "good job" and that it was early morning!  Boys will be boys!  Love him!!!)

Notice the little things today about this joy est season!!!