Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve Day ...

I think we are making every possible holiday day there is?!  Is there something like New Years Eve Day?  I think so.  We will say so.

Been thinking about New Years Resolutions.  I am not usually very good at making these because too many times I got discouraged or made the goal too high to reach.  For 2012 I tried to stay a little more easy, more attainable, more fun!

1.)  Grow Spiritually!  Keep yearning to learn more about God and putting his word into my every day living! 

2.)  Keep Running!  (Even when it's hard!  Really hard.)  I am the kind that thinks, "At least I am running!  I am happy with my mileage."  But I need to work on bigger goals.  Running farther.  Harder.

3.)  Be a FRIEND and not just a MOM!  Good relationships!  You notice the families that have good relationships between the parents and kids.  They kinda stick out in the crowds.  I want that for our family.  Not ordinary ... extra ordinary.  So that means there is work on my side.  Lay on the floor now and play games with the kids.  Listen now to all their little stories.  Someday they will be big stories.  Pray for them now while they are little and growing because probably someday they will be praying for me!  Get on their level now because when they are teenagers I hope to 'know' them better and help in the peer pressure and hardships of adolescents. 

4.) Prioritize my demands ... GOD, MIKE, KIDS, MYSELF.  If I can keep this order, I know things will go great!  Whenever that 'self' comes first ... things get out of whack.

These are goals.  Set some for yourself!

Here's a song/goal to bring in the new year!!!  2012! 

Happy New Years Eve!!!