Monday, July 23, 2012

Family Gathering ~

Last night, we had Mike's family over for supper.  Ben & Rosie (Mike's sister and family that live in Florida) and their boys are around for a few short weeks, so we had a family bash last night.  When out of state family comes around for a visit ... we hang out!!! 

The night was perfect for an outside picnic and grilling.  Mike made homemade hamburgers on the grill!  I just can't buy any hamburgers that are as good as homemade.  I love this recipe!!!  I use it every time we grill burgers!  I had to take my recipe X 5 and it made delicious burgers last night!

Homemade Hamburgers

1 lb. ground beef
1/4 cup Italian dressing
1 Tb. dry bread crumbs
1 Tb. Parmesan cheese
seasonings to taste

Along with the burgers, Mike grilled some hot dogs for the kids!  We boiled corn on the cob in water and ate it right off the cob!!!  That makes the best corn and EVERYONE loves it!  Roll each cob in butter and sprinkle with salt and enjoy!!!

I also made a tomato salad.  This is the third time I made it in the last two weeks and each time I was asked for the recipe.  I know it's completely awesome and very tasty, but since I am texting this recipe to my friends ... why not blog it for all to have!?!  I love sharing recipes because I love receiving good recipes myself! 

Start with mixing a Creamy Dill Dressing.

1/2 Cup Honey
1/4 Cup Sugar
3/4 Cup mayo
3/4 Cup Sour cream
1 Tb. dry mustard
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. celery seed
2 tsp. dill weed
3 tsp. white vinegar
1/2 tsp. pepper

Blend and slowly add 1 cup oil.  Put in a bowl cut tomatoes (I use my own grown cherry tomatoes!) and add cubed sharp cheese.  Sprinkle in chopped FRESH basil leaves.  (You can use dry basil but it just isn't as tasty!)  Pour your Creamy Dill Dressing over top! 

If you are not making a big amount, you may not need to use all the dressing.  Just mix till you have it as moist as you prefer.  Store the left over dressing in the fridge.  It makes a great dressing for other purposes to!  Add it to your sandwich wrap instead of mayo!  Yum!

We had peach tea, peach delight, fresh peaches and blueberries in a glaze, a blueberry angel food trifle and brownies!  It's peach season and we are loving it!  Hadassah is making lots of smoothies and eats peaches every morning with her pancakes!

All the seasonal fruits and foods are just amazing to taste!  It is well worth stopping at the small road side stands and buying the 'in season' foods!  Take advantage of it and buy fresh!!!