Thursday, July 5, 2012

Memories of our July 4th celebraions ...

Because Matthew was home for breakfast yesterday morning, I fixed up some homemade waffles.  I really miss Hadassah too and wish she could have enjoyed some too.  Camp food is pretty good too Matthew assured me.  Pancakes and syrup.  :)

And ... because it was 4th of July, we served breakfast on red, white and blue plates with matching napkins.  I totally love going with themes and celebrations when it comes to serving!!!

 Figured a "blue" bouquet would be appropriate for the holiday!  I planted this hydrangea years ago.  It never did much of a show and the flowers just never seemed to grow much.  This year, however, it is loaded with blooms!!!  So happy and it makes me smile when I look out my window and see it's beauty!!!
 Here's the "4th of July Gal" ... so precious, so sweet, so adorable!!!

15 Months Old:

Ashlyn just loves these ice pops.  Why not sit on the porch and enjoy one on this warm day???  I picked up this cute shirt this spring and couldn't wait to see it on her.  Her blue eyes compliment it nicely!!!  The picture on the right, I edited it in "Urban".  I thought it looked like something I would see in a holiday magazine or the newspaper.  Just can't get over her cute looks!!!

She was at the doctor this week too for another set of baby shots.  She weighs 22 lbs..  She is 90% on her height.  She's got seven teeth and lots more coming!  She's got the attitude of most toddlers ... "Give it to me NOW and listen to my pleads.  Then everything will be fine!"  (Funny, her mom is still kinda like that at times.  :(  Not good ... )  She says: "mom, dadda, Lena, Matt, Das, kitty, Gin (for Ginger), Thank you, baby, puppy, hot, um mm (for yummy), blankie, etc..  She makes animal noises for a horse & cow.  Hadassah taught her how to pinch her nose when something stinks.  She always points to the "yellow duckie" in the Usborne books.  She still has a bottle for naps and bedtime.  My other babies would be switched over to sippy cups by now, so I have a transition to make soon.  She still loves her nuk and blankie too.  Most times she takes only one long nap.  Some days she takes two.

I am enjoying her stage of life so much!  A fresh, crisp picture and then a "urban" style one.   

Mike went golfing with a good friend yesterday afternoon.  I was home with the kids hoping that we would do something fun later that night.  We did!!!  I picked Rosa and her girls up (just dosen't seem quit right with the other children being still at camp) at 7:15 and we met our husbands at Olive Garden and we got to use our gift cards!!!  :)  The night out was fun and we finished it by sitting in the parking lot of Costco watching fireworks.  It wasn't the best view or display ... but hey, it worked for us!!!  Matthew was watching with his binoculars!!!  :)

I hope your celebration for our countries freedom was good too!!!