Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering 9/11

Today marks another anniversary for the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks.  There are some dates in ones life that they will never forget and today is one of those for me. 

I remember exactly where I was when I heard about the planes crashing into the twin towers.  Mike and I took my grandparents to Sarasota, FL, to do some work on their apartments.  Mike was out golfing that morning, enjoying the cloud free sky and cool, fall kissed air.  An older man on the golf course was the one that told Mike about the attack.  I am a music fanatic and so I heard about the terrible news from the radio.  When Mike came back to the house we went for more details.  We immediately went to watch some news at the malls, kept the radios turned on, and grabbed for any more information that we could receive.

How sad for the city of NY!  For everyone!  When Mike and I took a visit this past winter to NY City, I just looked all around.  I was trying to imagine how horrible it must have been to be in that mess.  That suit, that dirt, that smell, that fear of what's happening, that loosing feeling, that lose of loved ones.  Cities are huge, OK, so just imagine all the ciaos it created!!!!  There is absolutely no way I can put myself in those shoes and feel that devastating feeling ... but I can pray and hope for God's peace to rest on our nation!!!  We prayed!

We traveled back from FL and I went to a Women of Faith Conference that next week.  WOF realized that Lisa Beamer was going to be a guest at the conference.  Lisa was the wife of Todd Beamer.  Todd was killed on one of the terrorist planes.  WOF asked Lisa to speak just a bit for us ladies at the conference.  I don't remember much of what she said, but one thing stuck out so much to me about her!  She was about pregnant with baby and now without a husband and daddy to love them!  I too was pregnant with Hadassah and again I just could not imagine the feelings she must have been feeling!  Alone.  Afraid.  Scared of what next.  Devastated.  Shattered dreams.  But, God is big ... bigger than ALL our problems!

So, today please continue for all those that have been impacted on that attack.  Continue to lift up our nation in prayer!!!


On a much lighter note ... today is also my niece, Shakia's, birthday!!!  Happy big #1 girl!  Love you!