Friday, September 28, 2012

"The Swing"

We've been living in the same house ever since Mike and I got back from our honeymoon.  There are a few things that are "memories" by now and this swing is one of them.

It's a swing that is hanging from an old tree along the field line right behind our house.  We don't visit this tree real often.  It's one of those that sets in the field all alone.  The kind with lots of groundhog holes around it.  The kind of tree that you may never notice.

But, hanging from this tree is an old swing.  Wish I knew the story of 'the swing'.  Maybe it was once someones play ground?  Maybe it was a place for someone to think and dream?  For us, it's a place of photography and fun!

I have in the past taken fall photo's of Hadassah and Matthew on 'the swing'.  Now, I decided to get some Ashlyn.

Here's how we got there ... Matthew just pushed past the corn cobs laying in the field and then he drove Ashlyn up to the swing.

 Here's a few with different color affects!

'The swing' was a bit on the toppsey (not sure that passes for a word???) side and for Ashlyn to sit alone on it would have sent her flying backwards.  So, I had Matthew sit beside her and I tried to get most of the pictures with just her on.

But, then I had to get a few with the whole picture!!!

She adores her brother so much!!!

Enjoying 'the swing'.

The weekend is approaching and I still have a few house chores to wrap up before we relax and hang out!!!  Put your camera in your pocket for this weekend and capture the Kodak moments when you can!!!

I am so blessed!!!!!