It started out with a wonderful, relaxing spa done on Saturday by Hadassah! She made a card and we scheduled my spa foot soak, massage, lotions, and pedicure for after our morning of yard saling together! We had such a great time doing both! As she treated my feet, we relaxed with "Spa Music" plaing softly in the background. I have since been playing this kind of music from 'youtube'. It's peaceful. Soft. And it can make you sleepy. :) She also decorated our bedroom with pictures and flowers!
She had this note in the bathroom with all her nail polish options.
The note on our bedroom door!
Thanks Hadassah for loving me and for the wonderful spa treatment! You are so special and I love it that we are becoming more like friends than just a mom and small girl relationship! You are growing up into a young lady so fast! Thanks for the gifts and for making my special day special!!! ~ Mom
Sunday morning was a delight too! My day started out perfect! I woke up with Mike right beside me. (And yes that is a gift! I missed him so much while he was in Florida all last week!) We could hear the birds chirping right outside our bedroom windows. He said, "Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday!" He gave me a ridiculous card that we laughed and laughed about. He had a small hand written paper tucked inside with a gift. He served me coffee in bed! So sweet! The dozen roses he gave me last week are still gorgeous!!! (He couldn't remember the Spa's name in town. :) Don't worry ... I know where it is!)
The kids woke up and greeted me with such love and enthusiasm too! Mike purchased another card that they all signed and they gave that to me with hugs and kisses! This card is SUPER AWESOME! It says just the right words and when you open it, it plays a tune of 'when a hero goes flying into the air and rescues something'! You know the tune I mean? Totally cool!!! Thanks guys, I love it!!! Whenever I need that 'mothering boost', I will just open up this card! It will sure bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart!
Love the "real-life" in the card! :)
Mike got everyone breakfast and did the dishes. He's was on double duty with having a birthday and mothers day together. :" We went to church and all the ladies were given a flower to take along home. Matthew picked out the right one and the perfect orange Dahlia is waiting to be planted. The sermon was based from Acts and I was again blessed. Mike on the other hand ... had Ashlyn all morning. Let's just say that we hope sitting still in church and behaving will get better for this toddler!!! :/
Matt and Lena were host family and they invited us over for lunch. No need for me working or cooking today!!! It was so yummy and thanks Lena! Your food is always amazing!
It was past nap time till we finally got back home and settled in cozy clothes. Ashlyn napped a three hour nap and Mike and I laid in bed with 'the spa music' playing softly as we napped too. Hadassah and Matthew found other things to entertain them. Something called electronics! :/
Back to church for an evening service and then we stopped at Mike's parents on the way home. He dropped off a flower planter for his mom that morning but they were not home and so we chatted and fussed a bit in the evening.
The day went so well and I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW that I am very blessed. I want to not forget any special moments or words that Mike and the children blessed me with yesterday!
The weekend was such fun with all these events plus a fun Friday night being deep into two games of settlers with dad-in-laws. Plus Saturday night, my whole family hanging out at LaVern's for fun and fellowship!
* A note to my mom ... I love you so much! Thanks for all you taught me and for the gift you gave me yesterday! You are so special to me and I thank you for all your help you give to me with canning, babysitting or just going to greenhouses together! :) I love those times together! Thank you for the great example you show me in your life! I love you! *
Thanks to all that wished me a Happy Birthday! Turning 32 is just another year older and I feel not a bit older than the day before! Or the year before! Or maybe even 10 years before.??? I did mention the fact though that it is now sixteen years ago that I turned 16! That's weird! I know I did age and feel a tad bit different than all those years ago. Still loving those memories of my sweet sixteen days!!!
Here is one of the sweetest cards Matthew ever made for me! Just love it!!! Thanks Matthew for it and for being my sweet boy! As I read this card for the first time (and yes, I have read it often already), it almost brought tears to my eyes. I love to see the things that you appreciate and really enjoyed reading the back of the card! You are so special to me!!! I love you! ~ Mom
Here's a gift from Hadassah. Their class did a cookbook for us mother's!
From Matthew's Sunday School class ...

Hadassah's Sunday School class is preparing lunch for all the moms on Sunday! Yet another thing to look forwards to by Hadassah!
From my mom and dad! Mike and I can not wait to go to Cheesecake Factory together!!! Umm!
I am telling you, I am so blessed! All these flowers, cards and gifts are so not necessary but are very much appreciated! Thanks again everyone!