Ashlyn wanted to help with the work too. We first loaded up the small wheelbarrow for her but she had such a hard time trying to steer and guide the thing. She just got frustrated. So, we put a small pile on the back of her trike. Worked great!
Off she goes ...
Here was her scooper!
We also started enjoying some garden foods! Last night was the first that we ate some fresh spinach and cut lettuce with our salad! So yummy and a great feeling just knowing we are benefiting from our own grown garden foods!
Another thing that started was "raining pink flowers". Our trees in the front lawn are loaded with pink blossoms and really are so pretty right now. With the breeze picking up this morning, the pink thin flowers are floating all through the air. At times it looks like it's snowing pink.
It's Friday!!! It's sunny!!! It's Spring!!! It's another day the Lord made for us. Me.
I can't wait to find some bargains with the kids this weekend yard saleing. We will all be going out and about!
I also can't wait to have a date night with my man! Love those nights and treasure very much the times we can slip away and enjoy just the two of us. Even if it means we will be on the look out for a new grill and a new phone for Mike and get Matthews ipod on/off button fixed and check prices for a game gadget thingy for Matthew (let's just say I am not excited about this ... more on this later.), etc., etc.!!! It will be fun!!! I just know it!
Have a wonderful Friday! Cheers!!!