Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beat the Heat!

We are in the middle of summer and it is "feeling" like summer!  So far the weather pattern has been so off and on with rain and hot, then more rain and cooler nights.  I am still so grateful for the green grass (even though it's being driven all over with the four wheeler!).  But, this week the heat wave is on!!!  90 degrees plus. 

We beat the heat with water and AC.  Spoiled rotten I know!  Or rather I call it being blessed!!!  The cool house and healthy tanned children and husband is way more than I could ask and dream of!  God sure is good though and though! 

It's Wednesday already and so that means the laundry is being completed.  The flowers were all soaked with fresh water so they can live in the hot heat!  The garden was watered too so the beans that are still growing will not dry up!  Tell me, what would we do without water? 

Water is something we love to feel this time of the year.  It's else off to the pool to swim or run through the sprinkler in the back yard or take a cool shower after a big outbreak of sweat from working outside! 

On Monday, Matthew had some friends over for a birthday party.  The girls were with Mike's mom walking around town and then swimming, so it worked out well to invite some guys over!  Matthew was so happy with the gifts he received!  Thanks everyone!  It was hot outside that the boys would play and then come inside to the basement for awhile to cool off and then outside again.  Boys are such fun.  They make tracks everywhere they go, but they really made the best out of the hot afternoon!

"Camouflage" icing cake ... with ice cream on the side!!!

We got pizza delivered and completed the lunch with some fresh watermelon, chips, water and Gatorade!

 Matthew also had his last ball game Monday evening.  It was warm but they did great.  The Rockies then helped the Flames finish up their season.  The Flames were missing a good bit of their players from vacations, etc., so the Rockies helped them with the next game. 

 Ashlyn and Hannah liked to play together while their brothers played ball!  Silly girls.

Most of the boys are here after their game waiting to receive their trophies!!!

Proud to play ball!

Here's the ball team with Coach Mark. 

Another team picture with Reuben.  He helped coach some too.  Thanks guys for getting this team together and for being their coaches!!!  Thanks Mike for being the team pitcher!  Good job everyone!!!

Here's his second little league trophy for his room shelf!!!  Good job Matthew!!!

 We went to the pool yesterday to cool off and enjoy some summer fun!  Ashlyn can do pretty good with her floaties!!!  Hadassah loved to take her in the water and have some splashing fun!


Wearing my glasses and eating a push up!!!  Life was 'awesome' for her at this very moment!!! 

Summer sadly doesn't last forever, so we will enjoy the hot days with more water fun!!!  Take the plunge and dive in with the kids!!!  Summer is great!!!