Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas spent with family!!!

I cant' believe this happened but it did.  I had this whole post finished and I thought I posted it.  I always click on my site to see it when I'm finished and it wasn't there.  So here goes again.  :/  I was happy to remember that I had copied and pasted my words.  I was able to restore all my words by just repasting!!!  Thank goodness!!!  I just needed to download all my pics again.

Our 2013 Christmas days went from one family gathering to the next!  They were both so much fun.  Filled to the brim with food.  With gifts.  With games.  With fun times that only your favorite people in the whole wide world can offer!

We spent Christmas eve here at home with the kids.  Hadassah was with Lena at market and got back home around 4.  I had pizza ready to bake.  We ate a lite supper and then sat together to read about the Christmas story.  I read my own version of the nativity scene that I posted.  My family knows I blog and sometimes read and look themselves but none of them read my Christmas writings yet.  After we read and the kids asked for the hundredth time if they can get their stockings down from the fire mantle ... we finally got to the gift opening.  Waiting for this moment was almost painful for the kids.  Opening Christmas gifts is by far something every kid anticipates with glee!!!

 The kids both got reading lights for their beds and new headphones.
 This little dear fell asleep just before we opened gifts.
 Ginger ...
 When she woke up, Matthew gave her a gift of candy and a bracelet ... just from him.
 She gets her blue eyes from her daddy!
 Then she opened her stocking and found and new water cup.
 New stickers and coloring pages will be her winter entertainment.
I was into driving around town to see some Christmas lights later that night but the rest of the family was into making a stop to see Hunter.  (And get their gifts from Matt & Lena ... :/.)  As we waited for them to get home, we did drive around to see some lights in town.  I think Christmas lights are so cool.  Some people go the extra mile and make a nice display.  Thanks Matt's for the gifts and you guys are very special in our lives!  Love you all!

We got to bed late but ready for Christmas morning!!!  We slept in and waking up and being able to say "Merry Christmas" to my husband is a huge blessing.  I am so blessed to have him in my life!!!  We ate a small breakfast.  Mike went for a four mile run.  Meanwhile the kids woke up and we all got dressed in our Christmas clothes/colors and were ready to see my family!

We all went to my parents for a feast!!!  Mom and Dad always make such great food and tons of it.  My favorite was the "bang bang shrimp"!  I will be getting this recipe from mom for sure!!!  We were all full and ready to relax after lunch so we opted to wait for dessert till later.  After the dishes were done, we all gathered for more gift giving/receiving.  We picked names this year with everyone.  Mim had my name this year and I was so thrilled with her gifts she gave.  The perfume is great and Mike loves it!  :)  The crate, the picture, the candle, the thoughtful treats for Ginger, the fresh holly that I needed to spruce up my kitchen again for the holidays, etc.... were all wonderful!!!  My most favorite thing though was the cookbook she gave!  The Pioneer Woman Cooks new cookbook!!!  I love to follow this ladies blog and so to have a cookbook from her is awesome!!!  I will be making lots of yummy foods from using this book!!!  Thanks Mim!!!  Mike got a gift from sister Jody.  He is loving his new socks and is wearing them for the second day in a row.  (No they didn't get washed.  Shhh.)  She also gave him slippers and a gift card that he appreciated!!!  Thanks Jody!  Hadassah got a soccer ball, gift card, and a board that Ryan made for pictures to hang on.  Thanks Ryan!!!  Matthew received an "ultimate fishing tool" and gift card from Tyler.  He is so proud of it and has it displaying in his room in the neat little case.  He will love this when he fishes this Spring/Summer!!!  Thanks Tyler!  Ashlyn got a gift from Addison.  A huge play do kit was already played with and she loves it!!!  Thanks Addison!!!  Then we got gifts from my parents.  They are butchering a steer again and giving us meat from that later this winter.  They also gave a nativity picture (which I love), a gift card, a new cookbook, and a new cooking pan that was on my wish list!!!  They gave a gift to each of the grandchildren and now that I am actually listing all these gifts, it's a gift from God on how blessed we are with all these things!  Thanks mom and dad for all you do for us over the holidays and all year long!!!  We love you so much!!!

I was asked to bring a chocolate cake.  I made my favorite recipe and thought some chocolate curls would be just the right finishing touches!!!  I went online and found how to do them on "The Pioneer Woman Cooks" link.  So cool and easy!
 This cake is so good!!!
 Jody coating the raw shrimp for the 'bang bang' recipe!!!
 Ashlyn opening up her gift from Addison.

 Matthew so impressed with his "fishing tool".  He will be using this in the Spring/Summer!!!

 She already has pictures hung on this and placed in her room!!!
 We gave Dad's a clock, a shirt and a vest.

 "Zoey" came for the day too.
 Dad giving their gift to the grandchildren.
 Matthew was so happy to see his gift!  It's just what he needs in the cold weather!
 She's happy for her organizer and new light for her room.
 Daudy D's joined us in the evening. 
 Eating candy ...
 Here's my new cookbook.  Mim didn't even now that I follow this ladies blog and really enjoy her recipes!  I can't wait to use the book!!!
We ate dessert, then snack and then crab legs later.  We played "Dice", "Rommy O", and "Panic".  We watched the fire crackle in the fire place!  Mike was looking so forward to taking a nap by the fireplace.  The children played together with their new toys and outside.  Time together with cousins is always a wonderful time.  We got to bed late but we didn't mind a bit!  :)

We call the day after Christmas "Second Christmas"!  It's a day we got to spend with more family.  This time with Mike's parents and siblings.  When we woke up it was just starting to snow.  It snowed huge white flakes and it was so pretty!  I love snow around Christmas!  It just makes it complete!  We went for another yummy lunch from Mom Lapp!  I just wish I could remember to take more pictures of the decked out tables our mothers set up for us!  She had delicious ham and tons more choices.  After lunch, we ate dessert and sang some songs.  We opened gifts from Mom and Dad.  The kids look so forward to the whole day!  Hadassah received a neat chest.  Matthew got a new hat and a small hockey set.  Ashlyn got a totally adorable "thirty-one bag" with her name on it filled with fun add ins.  She loves her poly's!  :)  Mike and I got a few Cutco knives and a small heater that will be great for our family room!!!  The siblings played "now you have it, now you don't".  This is fun and we all got a small gift.  I love my new candle and lotion!  We then played games, ate snack, drank coffee and cappuccino.  Thank you so much Mom and Dad Lapp!!!  We love you so much!!!  It was another late night but again we didn't mind a bit!!!  We came home and the three kids dug into their toys.  They were laying in front of the Christmas tree putting Lego's together and playing poly pockets.  Mike and I snuggled on the couch at 11:45 and watched them play.  It was after midnight when we tucked them into bed and closed our eyes. 

Sophia and Ashlyn ...

 Mom Lapp made each of the children a candy train.  So cute.
 Her table of food!
 Opening gifts from Daudy Lapps.

 The two little girls snuck cookies under the table.  I see you.  :)
 The guys played a lot of "Corn Hole".  The family gave this to dad and mom for Christmas.

Thank you Lord for our families!!!  They are so special!!!