Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

Our three lovely, beautiful children God blessed us with!!!

(I copied and pasted my letter onto this blog and for some reason it doesn't look the same.)
Here's our family update ...
Its Christmas time and it’s the best time of the year - if you ask us!!!  As I sit here and reflect back through our 2013 year, I realize once again just how blessed we really are!  Not everyone lives like we do.  We have so much to be grateful for!  Here are just a few things happening with our family.


~ Mike … Working at Lapp Structures is still where you will find him during the work week.  He loves his employees, dealers and all that goes with having a good job!  He does a wonderful job at balancing work and family time!  I love that he walks out the door happy to go to work and then later walks in the door so happy to spend the evening with his family!  He’s truly the best husband and daddy!  The kid’s love when they can get him on the living room floor rolling or wrestling with them!  In May, he took a 5 day trip to Florida for a public speaking course.  Being trained by pros in speaking was a stretch that Mike enjoyed.  Mike still loves to play baseball but this year he coached the “Gators” ball team and did a great job!  He also still likes to golf and in September he got to go to Arizona on a three day golfing trip.  Compliments go out to Lumberman Associates!  He took on a new sport this summer of biking.  He’s loving his new way of exercising but still likes to go for a run now and then.  Traveling is something Mike loves to do and he dreams of him and me traveling to faraway places sometime in our older age.  J  He had a good opportunity to travel to Belize in October.  He toured the country and really was inspired.  The two of us together also got to spend a weekend in Dallas, TX, with friends!  We had such a great time!!!  A six point buck was killed by Mike’s arrow this archery season!  He was so happy to have an archery kill again and the deer meat is tasty!  Even though life is busy at times, Mike is my true love!  We are blessed to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary in a few weeks!!!  Time doesn’t stop, but if it could, I would freeze our moments together.  I love this man and he loves me!!! 

Mike is fun, funny & frugal.

~ Lori … I am a wife & the mother of our three gorgeous children!  I wouldn’t trade “my job” for the world!  Between mothering, serving, cleaning, keeping up with the laundry and all our everyday activities … I am kept busy.  It’s the kind of busy that I really enjoy!  A few things I like to do are cook, take candid photos, spend time with my family and in my spare time – blog, play Settlers and enjoy the sunshine.  You can read about our family events throughout the year at: reallife-lori.blogspot.com.  A goal of mine this year is to not take life for granted.  Embrace the good times!  Pray through the hard times.  Laugh and enjoy life!  Reflecting on Christmas, I love this time of year.  The Christmas music!  The nativity scene & the fresh cut greens.  The smells!  And everything that
comes with the holiday season!  I am thankful that Christ came as a baby, died for my sins and rose on the third day! 

Join me by enjoying the sights, the sounds & the sand tart cookies this Christmas season!!!


~ Hadassah … She’s growing and so much that she’s almost as tall as her mom.  J  I teased her so often already that when she is taller than me, I will need to start wearing heals.  I am realizing that else I need to go shoe shopping or just be OK with the fact.  J  She loves to hang out with friends.  She loves to have a good time!  She brings much laughter into our home!  Entering the tween stage is exciting.  She is looking forward to redoing her bedroom soon and then sharing it with Ashlyn.  She shares scarfs and sometimes shoes with me.  It’s so hard to believe our oldest baby is growing into a young lady!  She’s beautiful inside and out!!!  Listening to her practice her Christmas songs on the piano, is sweet music to my ears.  Middle school is going well for her.  She’s doing a terrific job keeping her grades up midst the newer responsibilities.  She loves to shop, eat chocolate and nibble on cucumbers.  Ginger, her puppy dog, makes a perfect pet!  Hadassah is a blessing, a blast, and a bunch of fun!!!

~ Matthew … He’s eight years old.  He likes 3rd grade.  Matthew loves his family and his normal routines.  He and his mom have that in common.  J  His favorite past time events are throwing balls, playing baseball, playing games on the computer/iPad, and riding his new four wheeler he got for his birthday.  I know riding this in the snow will be tons of fun!  He made a new goal of reading more.  (Actually, we all did.  Reading is so good for the mind!!!)  He loves to spend time with his dad.  They enjoyed many ball games together this past summer!  Matthew joined the “Rockies” team in little league this year
and played great!  His imagination is never ending and it gets interesting to see all his drawings or Lego creations.  Teasing Ashlyn is still so much fun for him.  He knows how to get her going.  He has a passion for people.  He is a happy boy and enjoys the outdoors. 

Matthew is carefree, cool, and a big charm in our family. 

~ Ashlyn … She is a sweet gal and a handful at the same time.  She seems to like things on her time, her way, and that brings its own set of challenges for us parents!  Her small figure, blonde hair, blue eyes are so pretty.  Ashlyn does bring such joy and many kisses into our home.  We love and adore her to death!  She has a handful of songs she loves to sing.  Her favorite activities right now are … books, coloring, playing with her kitchen/dishes, and caring for her dolls.  The house would be way too quiet without her and we are so happy she’s part of our family!!!  Maybe with her turning three in the Spring will

bring us less drama?!  J  However, some drama is good and makes for no duel moments! 

Ashlyn is gorgeous, girly, and has a whole lot of giggles!

Well, that’s our family update.  Celebrate this time of year because of the real meaning of Christmas  the birth of Jesus!!!  He came to this world to bring true happiness, true peace and lots of joy to all who believe in Him!  He died for our sins!  He arose on the third day!  He ascended up into heaven and promises to return for His church at any time!  May this Christmas be the best celebration you have ever experienced!!!  God is so good!

Merry Christmas!!!

~ Love From The Lapps … Michael, Lori, Hadassah, Matthew & Ashlyn