Hadassah had another soccer game this week and they all played well!!! Hadassah scored the first goal and the finished with a tie ... 2-2!It was a damp, chilly spring day but we sat along the side lines and cheered! :)
I am also preparing for babies arrival slowly but surely! :) I got the carseat and some some blankets washed in the baby detergent that smells oh so good!!!
I also went shopping for a few necessities! I bought some new baby outfits and because we do not know if its a boy or a girl ... I bought a few of each!
I ordered a new diaper bag. I can't wait to use it! :)
July still seems far off but I don't think 14 more weeks sounds as long! That's how many more weeks I need to wait for baby! My weeks are going by quickly and I'm glad!!!